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Meaning of earrings in a dream

What is the meaning of earrings in my dream?

To see earrings in dreams, omens good news and interesting work is before you. To see them broken, indicates that gossip of a low order will be directed against you.

Latest Dreams About earrings

Found 70 dreams with the symbol earrings

My dream: I was at my friend Lucy's church camp, and we were in the church canteen and I was sitting down at a wooden table talking to my friends Lucy and Allegra and then Tommy kept looking at me from the from his table, and then he comes over to me and we start talking about anything and then I put my earrings on because we're getting ready to leave and then Tommy looks at me and says "why do you wear those?" and then Tommy's dad comes up to me and Tommy and asks if Tommy likes me and then Tommy looks at me. then I woke up

My dream: I was at my friend Lucy's church camp, and we were in the church canteen and I was sitting down at a wooden table talking to my friends Lucy and Allegra and then Tommy kept looking at me from the from his table, and then he comes over to me and we start talking about anything and then I put my earrings on because we're getting ready to leave and then Tommy looks at me and says "why do you wear those?" and then Tommy's dad comes up to me and Tommy and asks if Tommy likes me and then Tommy looks at me. then I woke upI was at my friend Lucy's church camp, and we were in the church canteen and I was sitting down at a wooden table talking to my friends Lucy and Allegra and then my crush Tommy keeps looking at me from the from his table, and then he comes over to me and we start talking about anything and then I put my earrings on because we're getting ready to leave and then Tommy looks at me and says "why do you wear those?" and then Tommy's dad comes up to me and Tommy and asks if Tommy likes me and then Tommy looks at me. then I woke up

I was travelling going to Rome in 1970's saw some Ancient Greek scriptures everyone, a lot of scattered diamond earrings. One child kept on putting needles on the fingers and inserting the diamonds like earrings then it pains me. In my dream, I can see a lot of past events, people who were dead and I can read and interpret what I'm seeing as well. I saw a past boyfriend who really meant so special to me hugging me and then gone. Then I rescued a child who's supposed to be sold over the internet for some paedophiles.

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