Understand My Dreams

Meaning of dwarf in a dream

What is the meaning of dwarf in my dream?

This is a very favorable dream. If the dwarf is well formed and pleasing in appearance, it omens you will never be dwarfed in mind or stature. Health and good constitution will admit of your engaging in many profitable pursuits both of mind and body. To see your friends dwarfed, denotes their health, and you will have many pleasures through them. Ugly and hideous dwarfs, always forebodes distressing states.

Latest Dreams About dwarf

The dream started from daggers raining from the sky and I was standing without any shelter but before any dagger could hit me an old man grabbed me from back and pulled me into a shelter standing over pillars and he said to me that these are dajjali daggers and after a while the rain stopped so I moved out of shelter and saw a crowd of dwarfs-not even reaching my knees- running towards me and shouting dajjal is coming run but instead of running I move towards the direction from which dajjal was coming and on my way I start to put my hand between the crowd and collect arrows-black coloured- and make a very big round of them until I reach dajjal and fight him and then I wake up.

Found two friends, one dwarf one nomal. Planning a theft - i did not know it was a theft initially, they asked me to join, when i realized it was a theft -with a gun involved and went to report to my boss who is my uncle to report to the police, the normal height friend ran away and i was able to catch the short one, when asked to report an the incidence by writing, the dwarf put me at the center of the incidence claiming that I was then one enquiring on how to hide a body, clean messes after a theft and how to clean a gun which was not true. and He also tried to ran away, when i caught up with him and tried to clear my name, he refused but rather continued to put me across in the incidence with more lies and troed to plant my finger prints on my car. I took a bus to drive him to work but rather he tried ro ran away and i triex ro sturggle him and I killed him npt knowing in the xar there were other people, then funny tho g is he resurrected.....and I work up

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