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Meaning of deck in a dream

What is the meaning of deck in my dream?

To dream of being on a ship and that a storm is raging, great disasters and unfortunate alliances will overtake you; but if the sea is calm and the light distinct, your way is clear to success. For lovers, this dream augurs happiness. See Boat.

Latest Dreams About deck

Found 101 dreams with the symbol deck

I was on an old pirate ship that had made port near my neighborhood, as I live by the sea, and I was with some other girls and boys playing a game and talking about funny things. I was wearing a blue dress. When the game was over, we had to leave quickly because the pirates were coming. We headed home, but then I remembered I had forgotten my red jacket aboard the ship, so I ran back to retrieve it. The pirates were there. I was a bit anxious because they could hurt me, but my mom would be mad at me for losing my jacket, so I had to get it back. I found the jacket on deck, and was ready to leave. But a pirate dressed in black with an angry face held me back and threatened me. He was suspicious of me. I explained to him that my intention was retrieving the jacket, and I showed him my jacket. He believed me, but then when I jumped off the ship to go home, all the pirates started chasing me and they were very fast. I don't remember how the dream ended.

Dreamt that I was on a cruise ship leaving Miami and we had to go through this river that’s zig zags through some hills and went up and down some pretty steep hills. We saw a double decker bus tip over and break in half that was on the road beside the river. It was full of ATCO workers in blue coveralls. I paid for me and Paiges ticket which included the meal plan and it was $595 each for 4 days. I stopped by the bar to pay for the tickets (I guess you don’t have to prepay), and my brother was at the bar drinking vodka and red bull. My nephews were running around playing tag (there like 20yrs old). I was going back to my room and some guy recognized me about I didn’t recognize him. He was a little person so I know I didn’t recognize him but he said we went to school together. Someone passed me a j in the hall and I took a hit, then remembered that I get panic attacks from it. I ran to my room and tried to face time my friends and ask them to ship me my Ativan, but the wifi was not working.

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