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Meaning of dates in a dream

What is the meaning of dates in my dream?

To dream of seeing them on their parent trees, signifies prosperity and happy union; but to eat them as prepared for commerce, they are omens of want and distress.

Latest Dreams About dates

Found 57 dreams with the symbol dates

Dream Interpreter AI Logo Dream Interpreter AI™ Interpret | Art | Map | Login Please login and verify your email to continue using Dream Interpreter AI Enter your email I would like to receive marketing updates from Dream Interpreter AI Submit 13/12/2023 I saw a girl who was sitting with what looked like other girls and she asked for my phone number and I agreed to give it to her and I was asked to put it on paper and afterwards we became close because I had my hand over her shoulder and after that I went to a shop from my hometown and I bought snacks and food for preparation for something and after that I checked for the time on my phone and it was 9pm something

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