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Meaning of crape in a dream

What is the meaning of crape in my dream?

To dream of seeing crape hanging from a door, denotes that you will hear of the sudden death of some relative or friend. To see a person dressed in crape, indicates that sorrow, other than death, will possess you. It is bad for business and trade. To the young, it implies lovers' disputes and separations.

Latest Dreams About crape

Found 61 dreams with the symbol crape

I was in the auditorium at Martha Brown. I was on stage, moving these set pieces over and over again trying to get them lined up perfectly. The set pieces felt larger than life, as the height was so great it was almost imperceptible-like a skyscraper. I was lining them up incorrectly- from the back instead of the front. I could feel myself getting anxious and overwhelmed. Then l, or someone else, took a photo of the audience and there was a big flash. After that, another person on the crew walked in carrying a cartoon-ish pillow I asked who made them and it was the person who was supposed to be my new boss. He carved them out of wood.

I was in my old primary school and surprisingly it wasn’t a primary school anymore. I saw alot of grown people in there and I saw someone I didn’t expect to see. I saw someone i use to like alot. Then i tried hugging him but he acted so agressive towards me. Zach would hit me and scrape me until i was bleeding. Its not like him to do these things but he did. On the final hit i blacked out. I woke up to a nurse saying congratulations on having a baby girl. There were no scratches or hit marks on me. Zach stood there in many emotions but mainly shocked and happy. i had another dream a few days later that the baby was now a toddler. her name is daniqua in the dream. except the weird thing was i didnt see zach.

I pulled up to a super market and got out of my car and noticed people screaming pointing up. I looked up and saw a horse shoe shaped air craft the size of a huge city. On top of the craft were huge sky scrapers and statues. I heard explosions go off and saw people running. I hurried to get home to my children when I saw 4 men exit a small craft and they were 7ft tall no less dressed in all white garments. They were black men. They took me and explained to me what was happening and why. They said i had to go with them to survive and they showed me glimpses of their home and told me they were here to destroy the earth and a certain group in it.

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