Understand My Dreams basa"d

Meaning of corn in a dream

What is the meaning of corn in my dream?

To dream of husking pied ears of corn, denotes you will enjoy varied success and pleasure. To see others gathering corn, foretells you will rejoice in the prosperity of friends or relatives.

Latest Dreams About corn

Found 783 dreams with the symbol corn

I had a dream that a guy I think is cute got in an argument with me and later on he followed me to my bus, cornered me and kissed me. After I got on the bus, the back of the bus was the front of the bus and I got the bus driver to follow my boyfriend ’s car. My boyfriend realized the bus was following him and turned down a very bumpy road and my best friend right next to me laughed as the bus driver told us he couldn’t go down that road. So I call my boyfriend and ask why he went down that road and he said “to get away from you” and hung up

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