Latest Dreams About contest
Found 75 dreams with the symbol contest
In my dream my brother and I were on our way to a professional wrestling match when we were pulled over by the cops. The police asked for our IDs and asked where we were going tonight and when we said professional wrestling match this is what he told us: ""Professional Wrestling" is considered one of the most successful efforts of the Extreme Perversity Normalization Initiative's "Closet Project". Professional Wrestling was designed by Illuminati meme artists and psychologists to accomplish three primary aims: 1) To serve as a simple means of screening the public for propensity to extreme gullibility - a trait highly desired by the Illuminati and one cultivated through eugenics programs. 2) To encourage public acceptance of suspension of disbelief and critical thinking as vast numbers of people invested emotional attachment in contests they knew rationally were predetermined and staged. 3) To promote a culture of hypermasculine homoeroticism of a type designed to appeal primarily to aggressive young males in denial about their own homosexual impulses. All EPNI "wrestling" features an emphasis on exaggerated masculinity, fetishistic focus on the male physique, extensive use of sweat/body oils, and promotions of polyamorous homosexual BDSM rituals involving "tag teams" and "submission"
I dreamt I became able to turn the casino I work at into a beautiful home and that nature that once surrounded the area came back and took over. The full native women were angry with me that I could catch, clean, and cook the large fish I caught and that I could communicate peacefully with the wild creatures around me. The fishing became a contest and the bullying women were determined to get me to fail. Two of the actual full tribal men I work with- an elder male and a younger male defended me. When I caught the largest fish, the bullying women were screaming as they were pulled into the icy slush that had formed on the curvy rivers edge and disappeared. Crows,ravens,wolves, deer, and a large golden black bear gathered and celebrated me. The younger tribal male placed a hand on my left shoulder, smiled and winked, stepped back. Then the elder male placed his hands on both my shoulders, nodded at me and said, quietly "they could not survive because they could not remember their ways. You survived because you knew all along and your ancestors are pleased"
I had a fucking wack dream where i murdered the joker and tried to become the new joker and there was a police chase through a series of tunnels but then i escaped and started driving away but like 200 miles later or something, i was trying to get to the border, i crashed into an oil -- distillery? i dont know what they're called. And the owners were like you need to pay us a million dollars or give us your insurance shit and i was like oh no im a wanted criminal, there is literally-- im on the national news and the only reason they dont know me is because this is a hick town, and there was a fair in town and my partner in crime idk who they were just suggested something like "if you win it all from fair prizes you dont need to produce a license to get a job :)" and so we started trying to win money, first at an eating contest, but we passed an ad for a five mile run where the top time was 10 minutes for five miles and i was like "oh no they had a speedster who's holding back, or some kind of super soldier-- if they know who i am--" then i woke up