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Meaning of conspiracy in a dream

What is the meaning of conspiracy in my dream?

To dream that you are the object of a conspiracy, foretells you will make a wrong move in the directing of your affairs.

Latest Dreams About conspiracy

Found 6 dreams with the symbol conspiracy

I had to do a senior project with a popular guy in school on a controversial topic. While we thought about doing something music-related since we both are involved in music extracurriculars (i.e: the Milli Vanilli controversy), we found out about a massive murder conspiracy ring in Paris. Later, we looked at a news picture of said murder ring and found the name of my partner's best friend in the background. We learned that he was going to be framed for several gruesome murders and would be executed if found guilty (which, seeing as how the Paris Police were incredibly corrupt, was bound to happen). We ended up jetting off to Paris to complete the project and save my partner's best friend...and then I woke up.

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