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Meaning of companion in a dream

What is the meaning of companion in my dream?

To dream of seeing a wife or husband, signifies small anxieties and probable sickness. To dream of social companions, denotes light and frivolous pastimes will engage your attention hindering you from performing your duties.

Latest Dreams About companion

Found 30 dreams with the symbol companion

This dream began with standing under the ocean.able to move and breathe under the ocean just as easily as on the surface. marine life present included a sturgeon, a marlin, and a lemon butterfly-fish. but what impressed me most of all was a fluorescent deep blue fish who attempted to communicate-a manatee was present also but paid us no attention- the glowing blue fish swam in until about17 feet away,and kept his gaze directed at me mostly but also on my dream contact. swam away after about 11 minutes then we walked from the bottom of the ocean to a living room. and through the glass yet! i took a chair on one end of the room,mycontact on the other side. we were discussing a report i was supposed to turn in to some government bureau. i made a remark to the effect that" i should include this next to my report. it was just illogical enough to be taken seriously. which caused my companion to roar with laughter. this man had dark hair and wore like the greasers of the 1950s . he wore a black leather jacket then i woke up

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