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Meaning of commune in a dream

What is the meaning of commune in my dream?

Collective energy. Socialization. Union of beliefs. Looking to join a group.

Latest Dreams About commune

Found 3 dreams with the symbol commune

Dreamt that I lived on a native commune. 2friends suffered nose bleeds and the second one triggered an asthma attack due to fear. Before that it felt like I was watching a movie, then I was the person who was giving birth to a baby the size of a house! The birth went naturally and everything went well except that the government wanted to steal her for study. The natives kept us safe. Also, somehow there was alien influence as Some of the crops would uproot and float up into the air and disappear. We started fighting back by jumping up to grab the wheat.

For some reason I was murdering someone Not really like murder, but like an assassination And it went bad Bunch of police, running into the woods And I jump into a concrete ditch See a bunch of cars flying past me going fast for some reason Then see a tidal wave coming that direction Find a way to barricade myself into a room, with like minimal supplies Fast forward three months Water level has decreased but there were creatures from the mist all around us Kinda They were freakier though Rush into the sewers We had a sort of commune thing going But we heard scuttling from outside the stone walls And sure enough, bug like creatures coming for us Go outside, world is absolutely destroyed No trees Nothing All washed away. A bunch of people died.

In my dream I was a girl in a family with all girl siblings hiding out in a commune, with predatory men. It was very close to the end up civilization. Many countries had begun bombing each other, you could hear it outside,like loud ominous thunder that never ended and only got louder. I had escaped the commune and joined an independent militia, that consisted of some of my coworkers as well. One of the members killed a sexual predator who was after me and he fell into the lake and drowned. We could hear the bombs approaching us. We were located down south in Louisiana. The leader my boss told us all to jump in the lake by the river otherwise we wouldn't survive the coming explosions. I jumped in the murky bloody water to avoid the flames and most of us survive. When I resurfaced, the world looked completely different. Almost all of our social, and economical society is obliterated, save for the extremely rich who were behind the destruction of human civilization. Our militia planned to locate their home base to assassinate and take over to help rebuild our civilization. We journeyed to their base and were about to begin to plan our attack but that's where it ended.

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