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Meaning of clown in a dream

What is the meaning of clown in my dream?

Dreaming of a clown is a very common dream and may come in a few different levels. A clown in a dream in the psychological way may symbolize that you have done something foolish and you are trying to overcome it, so you feel like a clown. It might also be that someone have tricked you and you fell for this trick and now you feel like a clown. It might be deeper dream and meaning that someone is cheating on you, or hurt you in business but instead of confronting them you decided to live with it and not to fight for yourself - so you are considered a clown in their eyes or even your eyes or others. Other dreams of clowns are also scary dreams from things that we do not know.

Latest Dreams About clown

Found 142 dreams with the symbol clown

Ronald Mcondald was outside walking, and then cracked his head at me. I was looking through my bedroom window, and then got teleported outside.I could feel the ground and the wind, and the clown started chasing me. It felt so real, and then I was teleported back into my bedroom. I didn’t move, nor breathe, but I could hear breathing behind me. I turned to see the clown, smiling at me. He looked at me as some creepy music started playing, and his eyes went from normal to white, and then pushes me underneath my bed. It all got silent. It started again, only this time I heard footsteps, and then the clown out one hand down, then the next, and cracked his head toward me.” Try again buddy.” Then it felt it I fell, and woke up screaming. This has happened for 2 nights, the exact same thing.

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