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Meaning of champion in a dream

What is the meaning of champion in my dream?

To dream of a champion, denotes you will win the warmest friendship of some person by your dignity and moral conduct.

Latest Dreams About champion

Found 27 dreams with the symbol champion

Recently, past 6 months, I have had several dreams where many dead actors, family members both dead and alive have been major characters in my dreams. Mel Gibson, Lorne Green, Elvis presley, bot my Grandmothers, two former bosses and the two others from Bonanza, have been with me in dreams. I have also twice been in the same building which is a place I have never seen before. In the dreams I am either friends with or dating these individuals. We have been to many places I have already been and then a few I can't say where they are. In one my sister became a Mud Wrestling Champion of our area, beating out a guy I went to school with over 40 years ago and her coach was also a former classmate. I wouldn't ask about a dream normally but I have had so many "odd" ones in such a short period of time that I am caught by suprise and the fact that many of them I have never met, which also includes one of my Grandmothers, kind of worries me now.

Last year 2013 is the beginning of the dream story. There was this man he was either my boyfriend or fiancé. We had a baby girl together. He an i were moving out of our house, we were arguing in the process of doing so. His occupation was a pro basketball player and apparently he just won the championship. We went outside to where i was holding our baby girl and a group of Caucasian females gathered around us with another baby. The other baby had black tar coming out of her mouth but my baby then touched the other baby and the baby became perfectly fine. My baby was only about a month old and saved another baby's life.

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