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Meaning of captain in a dream

What is the meaning of captain in my dream?

To dream of seeing a captain of any company, denotes your noblest aspirations will be realized. If a woman dreams that her lover is a captain, she will be much harassed in mind from jealousy and rivalry.

Latest Dreams About captain

Found 32 dreams with the symbol captain

I was at a halloween party and everyday had a costume on. I had a captain America costume on .I went there with a girl I don’t recognize but we stayed till the end of the party and I went to open the door and I see someone in a ghost face costume start attacking me with a knife. I used my shield to blocked the slashes and then I run out the room and start using Spider webs and start swinging around a mall. And then I saw myself in third person seeing my myself run away from that person. At the end I got out of there.

I was taking a pretty long nap and I had this dream that really struck me. It started off with me and a friend being targeted and chased by these people. Then we where saved by 4 people. There was an older man who was about my fathers age which is 50+ and an older women who was probably in her 30s. Then a younger women who was in her late 20s and a young man closer to my age. My age is 20 so he was about 21-25. Anywho, so we go on this boat which the older man is the captain of and they are the employees or something. I fell in the water at one point and therefore when i got back on the boat they had me get undressed and gave me a blanket. So for most of it i sat in a blanket. At one point i wanted to change into clothes but the younger man accidentally came in as i was changing. So he saw me naked. But he instantly turned away. As this keeps going i realize that we keep going south towards the south pole on this little boat. I think the things that really struck me in this dream was the water, the young man, and me being naked for most of it. Interestingly as it go closer to the a apparent end (since i woke up) I had realized that i hadn't contacted my parents. I even had service i believe i texted them and that I'd call when i can. I think there was more to the dream especially with the younger man and there where instances in which they gave me alcohol. Which i found interesting cause even in the dream they mentioned that i could drink since we where away from the US or something like that. I do remember the young man flirting. I also seem to recall having dreams with this same man figure. All i can remember about the man was that he was tall and had dark hair and thats about it.

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