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Meaning of cap in a dream

What is the meaning of cap in my dream?

Informal. Liberal opinions. Looking to be more tolerant. For a woman to dream of seeing a cap, she will be invited to take part in some festivity. For a girl to dream that she sees her sweetheart with a cap on, denotes that she will be bashful and shy in his presence. To see a prisoner's cap, denotes that your courage is failing you in time of danger. To see a miner's cap, you will inherit a substantial competency.

Latest Dreams About cap

Found 32 dreams with the symbol cap

A week or so after doing a past life regression video and shortly after my miscarriage. I had a dream about a guy trying to either take my children or harm them(can’t remember exactly which) I only remember knowing I needed to protect my children. I fought with this guy and managed to somehow grab a fork and get on top of him and stab him repeatedly in the neck. It felt so real. I still remember what it felt like. It was tough at first. A little tougher than stabbing a raw steak. And I can still smell the smell of the blood and flesh. I remember the guy being on the taller side and thin and wearing a ball cap and blue jeans and long sleeve shirt with sleeves pushed up. I didn’t know the man. Never seen him before in my life.

Last night I had a dream where me and my friends were outside at highschool with lingen, but the high school wasn’t Lincoln, it was St. Bernards. Then we started to hear shots, so Mr. Lingen was trying to find a way out on school grounds. He found the CAP van but it was red and had like 10 seats. He was hoping the keys were in the van and I found them so we all hoped in but there weren't enough seats so kendal sat on my lap. We drove across the street but it was at Daniella's house and she doesn't live over there. We got there and sat around for a while then the shooter found out we were there so he started to try to come inside and when the door opened I woke up.

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