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Meaning of calves in a dream

What is the meaning of calves in my dream?

To dream of calves peacefully grazing on a velvety lawn, foretells to the young, happy, festive gatherings and enjoyment. Those engaged in seeking wealth will see it rapidly increasing. See Cattle

Latest Dreams About calves

Found 9 dreams with the symbol calves

In my dream, I was in a opened pavilion, wooden structure that was filled with beautiful people. The women were dressed like Greek goddesses. They were welcoming and even made me feel as if I was unique in special quality beauty. They were speaking to each other and casting admiring looks toward me. I sensed there were men around, but no faces or forms. I sensed I was at a place that was just western outskirts of my home town. A man entered and I recognized him to be my real life lover. He was wearing a covering around his waist made of a cloth and sandals, that looked to be Roman like. I remember studying his shoes and how the laces tied around his lower calves. In my dream, I didn't know him to be my lover, but as a very handsome man that entered the pavilion. All the women were looking at him and sending him pleasant smiles, yet he walked over to me and took my hand. I felt like a stranger to him, yet very receptive to his unspoken request that I go with him. He led me out of the building to the yard in the back. The sun was quickly setting. He had me to sit... which now seemed like the back of the bed of a truck covered in burlap and hay. Perhaps it was a wooden wagon, I am not for sure. He never spoke, but I was felt so completely elated that he chose me above all the other women to cast his attention. He stood next to the bed, where I was sitting and then he looked up to the heavens which were now very dark. The sky was completely covered in brilliant, sparkling stars. I marveled at how brightly they shown. He reached up with his hand and swirled the stars around in a circular motion, causing them to fall from the sky. They fell directly on top of me, showering me with real diamonds, collecting in my hair and my lap. My hands were cupped to catch them as I smiled and squealed in delight. I looked up to thank him and he was no longer there. I suddenly felt saddened. Appreciative that I would mean so much to him that he would pick me, yet not understanding his departure nor if I would see him again. I reviewed his swirling of the stars many times in my mind, and how he gave them to me.

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