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Meaning of brothers in a dream

What is the meaning of brothers in my dream?

To see your brothers, while dreaming, full of energy, you will have cause to rejoice at your own, or their good fortune; but if they are poor and in distress, or begging for assistance, you will be called to a deathbed soon, or some dire loss will overwhelm you or them.

Latest Dreams About brothers

Found 354 dreams with the symbol brothers

Today I dream of me getting married. I think he is a paying guest as a neighbour then my mom and he had some issues. Then it was solved. And he was introduced to me. I think I only said hi to him. The next thing I saw is him and my family digging onion from soil. He have a sister. Then the next thing I saw is us getting married. I saw most of my relatives. I think I'm still doing my degree at the time. The thing I didn't see his face not at all. The wedding ended in the church and I came to my home. A room was prepared for us. I saw his belongings in the bed. Since i am introvert I was not able to become friends with his sister easily. Then the next day near our home there is some kind of building and I saw him going through the gate I followed him. I think he's a dentist. He had a few customers. Then I saw him with my cousin elder brothers going somewhere.

I saw my cousin walking up a hill among various kids in uniform, he starts talking to some high schoolers and moves towards a school van that is full of guys( it is similar to one I've seen in my hometown when i was younger). As I leave, i fidget with a ring that was a gift from a friend and it still hurts me at the back. I see two guys in school uniform who were my brothers friends and i don't look at them but definitely saw them. Then suddenly see a couple near a temple like structure. The grooms ring doesn't fit so he tries to fidget with it too and the bride runs towards a jewellery shop and asks for a ring for herself. I am tempted and I also ask for a ring but trip on the doorway. Things probably fell out of my bag. I know the shopkeeper. He smiles and tells me there are no rings only one for the bride. As he picks up things from a box on the floor, I see my gold bangle and say that's mine. But he tells me its from the shop. I tell him of my receipt and call up a college friend (who apparently stays with me) but she has left the house and is going to class with a guy (someone we both hated in college). Then I remember that the gold bangle was bought nearby and the shopkeeper has the receipt too. It is my hometown but different. Then i look at my contacts and think if i should call up my mother

The dream started off. I was at my house, but it was bigger like way bigger I was doing something upstairs I needed to go downstairs to get some thing so I went downstairs to the downstairs bathroom. So I went and got it as we’re going to the bathroom. Ama is talking to my mum and I looked at her and she looked at me and smiled. I got what I was looking for and I was finished getting ready and then I came back upstairs because I was done but when I came downstairs, Ama was in the music room playing the piano, so I want to talk to my cousin and my siblings. She came shortly after and we were talking. Somehow I ended up in my garage and it was so clean and big so it was my cousin Ama , Simien, and Simiya they’re all just conversing and chilling waiting for everyone to get out and get the fuck on somehow that lead Ama to go on a walk and come back with an injured bird. I’m a boy holding the bird in her arms, and it looks like an heron or a duck. I told her to place it somewhere comfy and that will look at it when we come back so she does just that and now we are finally leaving but something makes us go back inside to my brothers bathroom. Ama follows me and we hear a really good be coming from my brothers room. I ignore it and walk to the other way, but she was trying to look into it so she starts towards my brothers room and I start to push her the other way so we can get in the car and she was like “oh no” and I was like “come on ignore it in the car” as she’s pushing against me she’s sliding because she has socks on and I’m laughing because I’m strong as fuck and she’s way taller than me now everyone is outside my cousin sister, Nikengie is also out there talking to your friend with me and Amme walk out. She got from Nikengie up and proceed to the car for some reason Aunty Chelle and some woman from reality TV is there any sitting in the back I’m gonna get in the front passenger in my siblings make me sit in between the woman in my aunt I didn’t want to and I was like you always do this shit, and got in the bag and sat down my eyes started watering but I wasn’t sad. My aunt and the lady were like you don’t want to sit with us and I said no we started driving and then I woke up. I don’t know where my sister Sasha was or my dad.

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