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Meaning of bones in a dream

What is the meaning of bones in my dream?

Structure. Evidence. Support. Poverty and death. To see your bones protruding from the flesh, denotes that treachery is working to ensnare you. To see a pile of bones, famine and contaminating influences surround you.

Latest Dreams About bones

Found 116 dreams with the symbol bones

So like my family went to america to a villa and it was all fine and we went to do like a food shop and when we came back the villa we kept seeing things that were really dodgy there were like animal bones in the rooms and we went into the garden and there was an animal corpse in the garden like literally no flesh just bones, and we just kept finding weird things in the house like loads of bugs in the sheets and stuff so we went to speak to the person who owns it and she was like oh i’ve only just bought it etc then we were like we’ll go for a walk and there was a massive railway that we had to cross and when you look at it it’s normal but it’s basically a massive mindfuck and as soon as you step on it a train starts coming but the faster you move the more tracks appear so you have to run but then more tracks and trains keep coming so you’re basically destined to get hit by a train

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