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Meaning of beige in a dream

What is the meaning of beige in my dream?

Everything related with this color denotes neutrality and detachment. There is absence of communication.

Latest Dreams About beige

Found 33 dreams with the symbol beige

I'm at my mum's house and a girl(whose face I didn't bother to notice) was with me and we went back into the woods behind the house. We enter an old dilapidated mansion that, in my dream, I recognized from a previous dream. We are looking for something and come across these ghost children, whom beckon us to follow them. The house seemed familiar that I had dreamed about it before, except that they showed me a passage that I realized I hadn't noticed before. We enter the passage and it looks like concrete and the cylinder poles that you see in school hallways, and there are stairs going up and down. The children beckon us down and we go down the stairs into this large room that has debris from the ceiling everywhere. There is a very tall man sleeping on a chair with his feet perched on an ottoman. I realize that if he wakes I am unprepared to fight him. The girl and I run and he wakes. I hear him starting to follow us. Then we find ourselves back in my mum's house. Then, we decide to go back to the mansion, this time there is no man. But we come across three people. One man in a blue uniform, one man in a green uniform and a lady in a beige dress, curled short hair and a hat. I assumed in my dreAm they were from some war. They were looking for a treasure. In my dream I knew what treasure they were looking for because in a previous dream I remember where someone had it hidden. They didn't like our presence. They started shooting at us and we ran into a nearby trench before heading to my mum's house. I had a feeling I knew what they wanted and we (the girl and I) went back. They caught us and becAme friendly, I realized they were ghosts, so I I had the girl I was with take pictures of me with them, becAuse I knew no one would believe me. In the first picture she took, no one was there. Obviously, I thought, in dream because they're ghosts. Then the second picture had the man in the blue uniform with his arm around me and the man in the green uniform and the lady in the beige dress behind me. We then are in a different room. A dilapidated room with a bed and a dresser. I asked them, if they wanted to record a message to to their families? BecAuse I knew they were ghosts and I could find their families and play it for them. The lady declined and the man in the green uniform said "No, I will see them when they reach the other side". The man in the blue said yes. He said He had a message and wanted his family to know. While this was happening I was thinking, in dream, of the treasure they were searching for. Then I awoke

My late mother was helping me prepare like she used to do when I was in primary. She put my socks and shoes on, I was wearing white heels. And she put perfume on me as well. I am wearing a beige sweater, white joggers, and an off-white bomber jacket. How it was at night. Then my late sister-in-law was in another room, my mother called her in from that other room. I couldn't see her and it was at night. I meet the rest of the family in the living room once I was done and then, we laughed a bit, but then I when out of the house and I started losing my breath.

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