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Meaning of banquet in a dream

What is the meaning of banquet in my dream?

It is good to dream of a banquet. Friends will wait to do you favors. To dream of yourself, together with many gaily-attired guests, eating from costly plate and drinking wine of fabulous price and age, foretells enormous gain in enterprises of every nature, and happiness among friends. To see inharmonious influences, strange and grotesque faces or empty tables, is ominous of grave misunderstandings or disappointments.

Latest Dreams About banquet

Found 15 dreams with the symbol banquet

In my dream I was at a guy named Dan that I've started to fool around with house, no sex just kissing so far. I was at his house and it was an apartment building even though in real life he lives in a basement suite. Dan wasn't there for the beginning but his room mate was (in the dream the roommate was not someone I know, I couldn't see his face and he was chubby and bald and even though I couldn't see him I know he was unattractive to me.) any way me and this guy where fooling around in the shower and then Dan finally came home and me and this unattractive fellow stopped and I was with Dan all of a sudden. At this point he started to have his arm around me and we were hanging out in his bedroom, for whatever reason he and the unattractive roomie shared a room. They had two separate beds in the room and it was large with a tv at the foot of the bed. Me and Dan are now on his bed and making out, at this point I stop and tell him I need to go home because I must wake up at 6:30am for work and I want to watch Seinfeld, and then I changed my mind and I want to watch friends, and then I say no it's Fraiser I want to watch. So we leave and he walks me out. The apartment building when you go in the hallway is like a banquet hall and some big thing was going on. There were people in tuxes and nice dresses and this one table stops me and this gentlemen says, I just graduated and I'm going to teach the hearing impaired, and I remember responding oh my gosh that's exciting My Aunt does that she lives in Nebraska and Went to school in Wyoming. The conversation ended because the guy I'm seeing now whisks me away in pursuit of this Asian Lady, I don't know why but once we get down a couple flights of stairs he pulls out a gun and shoots her right in between the eyes. he then holds her in his arms and is looking at me, we aren't upset, we aren't running, we aren't crying just there. This is when I can no longer remember what happened or I woke up one of the two.

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