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Meaning of bandana in a dream

What is the meaning of bandana in my dream?

To see or wear a bandana in your dream, suggests that you need to look at issue or problem more objectively. You need to think through your options more carefully.

Latest Dreams About bandana

Found 4 dreams with the symbol bandana

I dreamt that we were at mom's house visiting, the couches were all re aranged, the room was very empty but I went to visit Cookie and she was sort of Happy, and had a neon green and neon orange bandana on her neck. She rolled over to give me her belly to rub but there was a HUGE cut on it, almost like a stab wound. I immediately stood up and screamed at my mom "WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE HER TO THE VET?!" and she looked sadly at the ground and just said "I didn't have the money". It made me furious because she knows I would have dropped everything to be there in a heartbeat. Somehow she bolts outside and the rotten algea infested water in the pool and its rippling, like it's boiling (like it does when in a hurricane or torrential downpour) but it was cold and gloomy and awful and Cookie just jumps in. I'm horrified and jump in after her, when as soon as I submerge my head I see that she's on the floor of the pool almost completely having given up. I try to shout her name under water, which alerts her to me being there, then she looks as though she wants to come up and 'save me' but cant. I try to submerge myself again but my purse is on the level ground around my neck so I have to fight it off to let me go under. I can see her slowly drowning at the bottom of the pool and for some reason I absolutely cannot go under the water to save her, I can sink enough. Then Tim woke me up.

It was a hot, humid day in the desert. Plopped under an enormous pine tree, I drank the last bit of water I had out of my canteen. As I peered over my black bandana that covered my face from eyes down, I saw a blob making its way closer and closer to me. The grey figure drew closer as I rose to my feet next to my pink pony, Strawberry (one of those ponies from My Little Pony). I hopped on top of its saddle and kicked her stomach, cueing her to take off. However, she was so tiny that she fell over and started to sob. Furious, I began to run the opposite way of the figure, but by the time I started running, he was already behind me grabbing the back of my shirt. “Don’t shoot my hoooooorseeeee!” I yelled as he began to repeatedly shoot my horse. But what the man didn’t know was that My Little Ponies are magical. Strawberry repelled all of the bullets and attacked the man. In less than a second, the man was trapped inside her stomach as her special stomach acids burned him to death. His horse, a muscular Black Stallion, nudged Strawberry and urged her to come back home with him. It was love at first sight! I stood from a distance as my pony took off and eventually woke up.

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