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Meaning of assistance in a dream

What is the meaning of assistance in my dream?

Giving assistance to any one in a dream, foretells you will be favored in your efforts to rise to higher position. If any one assists you, you will be pleasantly situated, and loving friends will be near you.

Latest Dreams About assistance

Found 25 dreams with the symbol assistance

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I met a man, introduced to me by a friend last night. The kind of guy im instantly attracted too. Strong stature, good looking, in command of himself, confident. The remainder details are unimportant because they are reflective of why i am drawn to him and this kind of guy. The dream, after a night out drinking. The first in a very long time. We were in a car together, he was driving. I sensed a snake under his seat almost like under the stuffing he was sitting on, like there was a damaged hole in the seat directly under him. He asked me to help him get rid of the snake while he continued to to drive but as i lifted the cushioning from between his legs it revealed a nest of baby snakes. I informed him and he asked me to get rid of them. So i poked them gently with a stick and one by one they all slithered off and disappeared. It was left that the immediate danger was over however the car would need to be cleaned to rid us completly of the snakes and to be safe. My interpretation of the dream. He has multiple sexual issues that need to be addressed gently and guided out of his life but he needs help with it. He wants to continue on his lifes journey without change or disruption but is wise enough to ask for assistance and completly trusts me to release those issues. There is heavy symbolism here. I did not look at any media or connection with snakes in a couple of days, possibly a week or more. And no nest of babys So nothing in my direct memory. It is clearly connected with this guy and his need and the dream seems more focused on his need to go on his personal journey without hinderance and hes asked me to assist him to do that. To what extent i travel with him isnt clear.

I was at an eclectic theme park of sorts with some friends. We went on some rides. One of them was a roller coaster that turned into a spinning ride. After that, I played a slot machine and won a ticket for a free wish. When I went to make the wish, I had to go into a closet in the dark and light a candle. I made the wish to transition to male successfully. There was an old ouija board in the closet. After I made the wish, the minor Greek god(?) Charon gave me a knife sent me on four quests. Charon accompanied me along the way as a thin aura shaped like a human. The first quest was to ride another roller coaster. That was easy enough, but the problem was that the ride operator forgot to do the restraints. I did them just as the ride went over the hill. Deciding that I passed the quest, Charon sent me to do the second quest. The second quest was to go into a woman's wardrobe and steal a hair clip. I had to slip in unannounced and look in her memories, which took place in the Fanboy and Chum Chum universe. One of them was her finding out that one of her male friends, Kyle, was pregnant. Kyle was trans and stealth. I decides to to help Kyle face his fear of heights by helping him discover that he could fly. After that, I had to duel with a younger male version of myself. He was around 9-10 years old. At first, I killed him with the knife, but Charon was disappointed in me when I did that. I then learned that I had to subdue him by trying him down and letting Athena do the rest. I had to ask Charon for assistance to complete this task, but I succeeded. I woke up before I could complete the fourth quest. I wanted to do the fourth quest

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