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Meaning of arresting in a dream

What is the meaning of arresting in my dream?

Dreaming of being arrested show that you think of someone that is holding you back and does not let you go forward. Usually it is you yourself who is holding you back and you need to let go. Nobody is arresting you except for your self and your sub-conscious is trying to tell you to let go and be the best person you can be.

Latest Dreams About arresting

Found 10 dreams with the symbol arresting

I was at the zoo and saw a stampede of alligators. I went into an alcove where there were other people. The alligators came into the alcove. I fed one tiny crocodile and one person cookies. A chicken walked by and the tiny crocodile ate it. As it was eating it, I ran out of the alcove and saw a huge alligator. It came after me, but then went after someone else. I used that chance to escape and when I escaped the zoo, I got the attention of a police officer who was arresting a gang, to help the people left behind.

I was making tea in the kitchen of my grandparents flat and looked out of the window at our local church. There were police, forensics and a grave was being dug up. I felt extreme panic as I knew I had murdered someone and buried them there on a freshly dug grave and I knew that I wouldnt get away with it. Then suddenly I am at home worrying and there is a loud knock at the door. When I andwer it to a cid policeman ha reads my rights arresting me for the murder of..........?? Always wake up before I know who it is. This has recurred numerously

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