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Meaning of ape in a dream

What is the meaning of ape in my dream?

Warns the dreamer to beware. Deceit goes with this dream. You will find opposition in love.

Latest Dreams About ape

Found 7 dreams with the symbol ape

I am returning from school, moving towards my old house where we used to stay during my school days. In the building compound, I see 2 camels and as I run closer cos am so excited to see the camels, suddenly I see a double faced ape riding one of the camels. After that I suddenly see a huge bird like an emu. Then I see a little boy who throws a duck like bird on me and I try to shoo it away, however the duck like bird keeps pouncing on me and around me and starts biting my fingers

Last night i had a dream that a giant ape animal had invaded my living residence i was trying to capture the gigantic ape or at least run it out of our town with some help of another person(i believe the person with me was a family member but not sure who) i had multiple huge obstacles that this animal kept throwing at me the number one obstacles were gigantic piles of poop i kept sliding in it i was disgusted with the smell and kept finding gigantic piles of poop everywhere(inside and outside of my residence) i was exhausted and furious while chasing this animal and at times i was trying to get away from it because i also felt threatened

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