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What is the meaning in a dream of amputation

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What is the meaning of amputation In a dream, What does it means amputation In a dream?


Ordinary amputation of limbs, denotes small offices lost; the loss of entire legs or arms, unusual depression in trade. To seamen, storm and loss of property. Afflicted persons should be warned to watchfulness after this dream.

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Samples of dreams of amputation

You had to be with a mother

You had to be with a mother figure or an item that showed you were a child in order to live. You were trapped in a nursing home type place and phones were not usable. You couldn’t escape. I went to a play that they held there at this hospital and pretended to be an extra in it, and attempted escape but was brought back. Then the woman told me I was the sacred deer. She then made me watch an amputation of a woman’s legs and I was shut back in the big room with everyone. If the bells rang and you were not with your mother or an item that showed your innocence you were killed.

Basically, Here's the gist. My friends and

Basically, Here's the gist. My friends and I went shopping for snacks. My friends went home leaving me behind. I saw a cat in need of help. The cat apparently "needed amputation of all four legs." I assessed the cat and it was fine as I told the cat's owner. Here's the twist: I needed to get home and I did not know my way back from the store.

Other meaning of dreams of amputation


Ordinary amputation of limbs, denotes small offices lost; the loss of entire legs or arms, unusual depression in trade. To seamen, storm and loss of property. Afflicted persons should be warned to watchfulness after this dream.

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