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I was given a bible, on one

I was given a bible, on one side it had black and while stripes, on the other side it had different colors...then I woke

I have native American clothes on i

I have native American clothes on i know because of the mocassains on. The whole outfit looked as though i was given thanks to nature to the sun . the sun was rising it was a quick flash but it felt good i started to put two hands up and dance and woke up to Jeremiah 30:17 bible verse

I am a saved born again Jesus

I am a saved born again Jesus loving Christian. I pray, read my Bible, fear God and try to gain wisdom. I am 68 years old and it has only happened twice in my life but I am horrified and very troubled by it. Why have I had dreams that I am either satan or a satanic worshipper and follower. This has caused me great horror and trouble in my mind, heart and soul. Why would a God fearing Jesus loving Christian have such dreams? Some I have asked do not answer as if there is something they do not want to tell me. What does this mean? I am so troubled. Thank you for your truthful and honest analysis and opinion. God bless your ministry. Mike Sullivan

I was texting someone from my congregation

I was texting someone from my congregation and she told me that this guy appeared on my profile picture and I need to stop texting him. Then I appeared in this house that was not mine and someone told me that the text messages that I was sending him I was considered a rapist and then they gave me a scripture from the King James version Bible. Then my grandmother and I were riding in her car threw a drive threw. Mist of the people that were in a drive threw I knew.

Hey, my name is George Newman! I`m

Hey, my name is George Newman! I`m a professional writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all Most of my works were sold throughout Canada, USA, Old England and even India. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their time. People ask me "Sir, George Newman, I need your professional help" and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can save their time! Academic Writer - Newman - TeachaBouttheBible Corps

I was in a hidden library i

I was in a hidden library i found in a basement. I saw a bible and opened it and a lady was standing behind me with two necklaces with a cross on them. The gold one started to float towards me. then, this deep voice shook the ground that said she's not going to change. the cross flew back against the wall. then a silver cross came towards me and when i looked down to put it on I was already wearing one.

Bible, evil, peace, rumors, hate, jealousy, music,

Bible, evil, peace, rumors, hate, jealousy, music, beard, hair, fake, ex boyfriend , outer space, vehicle, enemies, sexual, technology, future, planets, books, fighting old enemy, spirits, happy, text messaging, people disappeared, older, laughing, commercial, escaping, computer, ridiculed, karma, isolated, crustaceans, hole, big butt, unread messages,