Dream of bible, black, side
I was given a bible, on one side it had black and while stripes, on the other side it had different colors...then I woke
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of bible in a dream
Family troubles to come soon. Joy without profit. Family troubles to come soon. Joy without profit. To dream of the Bible, foretells that innocent and disillusioned enjoyment will be proffered for your acceptance. To dream that you villify{sic} the teachings of the Bible, forewarns you that you are about to succumb to resisted temptations through the seductive persuasiveness of a friend.
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Meaning of black in a dream
Black signifies isolation and transition period. It shows up conflicts and friction with relations and friends. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc.
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Meaning of side in a dream
To dream of seeing only the side of any object, denotes that some person is going to treat your honest proposals with indifference. To dream that your side pains you, there will be vexations in your affairs that will gall your endurance. To dream that you have a fleshy, healthy side, you will be successful in courtship and business.
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