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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

First, it started out that I was

First, it started out that I was Harry Potter and it seems to me it was the 7th year, no Voldemort around. I was learning to find out the true story on Dumbledore's death and that he was a zombie ever since he wore that ring that made his hand black. Snape explained he was already dead before he fell to the ground. Suddenly, I was dealing with psycho lady with her power. I was one of the powerpuff girls. We were trying to drag her up the mountain and distracted her as much as possible. Of course, we were fighting against her and trying to get her to stop trying to kill us. She ended up having her weapon going against her and it killed her. The next thing we knew was her son used repetitive karate skills attack.He tried to be more on the escape with us and we managed to drag him. He was powering down his energy of fighting once we got up to the mountain. He wouldn't sleep, though. I somehow became Danny Phantom and tried to use use my Cryonkinesis power to ice the boy down to sleep. Times flew by, I turned into the boy with all that karate moves and tried to attack violently to escape. I had to go back to do something, but others were following me. They caught me and waited for me to calm down. I looked around in the room I was held in and it was a kitchen. I knew it wasn't a kitchen before and saw two people. Erik and me, only older.We were like 10 years older, but we were so close and laughing happily. Erik and me had a friend in this time world - who seems to be a chef. The chef was friendly with me - I was still that karate violent kid. He was telling me how long I have been asleep for. I didn't believe him, but everything was much more futuristic stuff. Erik explained that I slept in for 140 years, and so did they - Erik and me. Of course, I noticed my body and how my hips/waists were wider. It meant I was pregnant in the past. Erik and me used to be together, but had a child? It even looked like I was pregnant again in this time. They knew I'd wake up in this time because Winter is no longer existing on this mountain.

In a group we were chased and

In a group we were chased and attacked by two men with metal weapons chased through garden space with running water i was violently attacked and i found one of the weapons and later attacked one of them men with it i found a house to escape and was helped by two men

In a group, we were chased and

In a group, we were chased and attacked by two men with metal weapons. chased through field, I was violently attacked and I found one of the weapons and later attacked one of them men with it. I found a house to escape and was helped by two men

My second dream that I recall is

My second dream that I recall is when I was in a cave fighting one of my friends that turned into a giant spider looking monster. He was half human half spider. His upper body was the human part and the lower part of his body was the spider part. He had an eye patch on his left eye and carried a handgun in his right hand. He had his military gear on and stood about 20 feet tall in the air. We were about to duel in the dark cave. The only weapon I had was a katana sword that was extremely old and flimsy. The match began, and he started firing bullets at me. I failed to dodge one of them and felt the bullet go through my heart. I felt like I was about to die. At that moment I suddenly woke up from one of my worst nightmares.

This dream has happened only once, it

This dream has happened only once, it was about a month ago. I found myself within some random desert, there is a clear blue sky. There on a dead and lonely Redwood Tree, I witness a golden harpy eagle; it had a black beak, and black talons like any typical eagle would have. What really threw me off about the majestic bird was two things: first it had one talon on each wing, and its eyes were glowing purple faintly. As I stood there mystified, and transfixed with much awe towards the creature, it flew towards me and I closed my eyes thinking I must prey. I reopen them and find that I am still alive. I look behind me and see the same eagle flying towards a huge battlefield directly underneath twelve grand mountains. On one side was a numberless army dark and grim and on the other was a quite smaller army descending from the mountains. The army that opposed the evil ones had white armor and had modern weaponry (so did the evil army). I watched the white army kick the living shit out of the black army and then I suddenly wake up in my room wondering what the hell was that!?

The zombie apocalypse has happened overnight, i

The zombie apocalypse has happened overnight, i have myy boyfriend and father with me. i'm smart enough to have both a gun (9mm to be exact) and a bow knife. my dad's friend/employer (exists in the waking world) brought him an assault rifle, dad was nervous about having it. i don't have much else in my pack. we take shelter in my dad's appartment (doesn't actually exist in the waking world) but my boyfriend and i were so curious we went out to do some exploring. it being so early in the apocalypse, there weren't many of the undead, just enough to worry me. we didn't pick up any supplies and almost got attacked but someone else became zombie bait. we stop on a farm and watch a small herd of zombies get napalmed via the government. we trekked back to my dad's appartment which was worse than when we'd left. i did some nervous walking around in the building and stumbled upon a large room of survivors amongst them my aunt and cousin. i was crying with joy when i realized i didn't have either of my weapons on me. i went upstairs and checked my bag but no luck there either. night is falling and i fear how i'm going to protect my family, i'm acutely aware of how vulnerable we are, especially with the group of survivors downstairs. then i wake up with the residue of bad dream on my tongue.

Being chased by someone with a weapon

Being chased by someone with a weapon who wants to kill you but all the obstacles get in te way which keep the person from killing you

I am on a street towards the

I am on a street towards the middle of it the street is very steep. I meet two older men dressed in blue suits. At the top of the street is all this debrie of buildings falling down all around us I can not get to the top of the street to see what is going on. The debrie is like a weapon trying to hurt or kill all of us. I run but always seem to be back on that street

It is usually in two parts; the

It is usually in two parts; the first is going back in time when I was a child (I am 21) and reliving in my opinion, my best years which involved old friends (I don't really talk to any of them anymore) and excelling at school work because I still have the mind of a 21 year old. The second part changes setting and I am involved in a sort of horror movie where I am being chased by a mystery person/figure who I fight constantly with weapons. Both he and I are fighting to kill, but the surroundings and atmosphere tend to be normal when running away from him or in the moments before he reappears, but when we eventually fight, my weapon which was working in the run up to the fight is now ineffective. Also, it gets darker and I move slower. I do wound the mystery person, but it doesn't effect them at all.