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I had a strange, bizarre, yet, kind

I had a strange, bizarre, yet, kind of cool dream a few weeks ago. I had recently found out that animation studio, Pixar, was creating a new doll-themed film called, “Inside Out.” So, when I fell asleep that particular night, a friend of mine, Andrew Slater, and myself both went to the studio theme park ride for the new film. The park was really just two cart rides located through the indoor studio office and the walls, ceiling, and carpet were white and very dull green in color, like in the movie, “The Cat in the Hat.” It was really weird as the rides themselves were re-engineered assembly lines with a half-doll car seat and you could view dolls being made during the ride. After the ride was finished, people could sit down and eat two pieces of toast with a bowl of grits on a green table with white-and-red plaid table spreads. Andrew and I ate our food, took another ride, and then sat down at another table. I wasn’t sure if there were rules against eating more than one serving of food, so as my friend ate another helping, I just walked away. Then I woke up feeling energized.

I came upon a motorbike on the

I came upon a motorbike on the side of the road. I looked it over and saw that it had a removable radio. I tuned in and was delighted to find that the radio worked. The engine worked too. I then realised that the two did not work together but I kept trying anyway. When the engine started again I decided to push the bike along the road. Then the road appeared wide and clean with a smooth surface but it was winding. I walked alongside the motorbike all the way down a hill. I said out loud that if I got to the bottom I would not be pushing that bike back up the hill.

My feet are hanging out of my

My feet are hanging out of my car and the car in front of me revs the engine and burns the top of my feet

I was driving my car at night

I was driving my car at night in the rain and the engine light came on and then I thought it had gone off and the I realised I couldn't see it because my eyes were closed. I couldn't open them and couldn't see anything. I tried to pull over or stop but couldn't see where I was. I held my friends hand and tried to tell her she had to drive but the words wouldn't come out. We almost had an accident and then I woke up.

I dreamed i was driving my old

I dreamed i was driving my old (favorite) car through a neighborhood at night and a monkey tried scaring me away from a house, so i revved the engine and he started chasing me, as he chased me i kept trying to run him over but eventually he went away.