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I have a guy that I've been

I have a guy that I've been dating and long story short, we're not in an exclusive relationship because he thinks he's "bad at relationships". Well today I had a dream about us and this is the first time I've dreamed about our relationship. It started off to where we were doing great, kissing and hugging and all that. But then he snapped and started acting different and hostile towards me. So when I went to talk to him, he told me that he's breaking up with me and started giving me every reason why. As I sat there crying trying to talk to him and have him hear me out, he boarded a ferry (why a ferry? I don't know) and left me there, crying. He looked back and waved at me. Then I woke up. What does this mean? Should I be scared of us dating?

I was on a Cruise ship. My

I was on a Cruise ship. My dead grandfather was there i was walking with him. I remember asking if he has always been so tall. We also stopped and hugged my dead great grandmother.