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I'm always being chased, whether by people

I'm always being chased, whether by people or things. No matter how fast I fun, how far I get, or how well I hide, I'm always found and forced to keep running and hiding. These are a huge majority of my dreams although I'm being chased by different people/thing for different reasons, in different places.

My friends mom had a huge house

My friends mom had a huge house that caught on fire. We ran to get the kids. We got them out. My friend starts asking whats my problem.

I was walking in a grassy field,

I was walking in a grassy field, following a woman who I've never seen. All of a sudden we both stopped and I said that I never walked this far out into the field before. She turned to me and said she hadn't either. I walked up to her and saw her clothes were very odd, sort of 70's but maybe older. I asked what year it was, and she told me it was the fifth year. I asked her to stop joking and she said we had to leave. I told her I didn't want to leave, that I liked her, she said she didn't want to leave either and hugged me. We cried and I woke up.

I entered a busy roundabout and my

I entered a busy roundabout and my car went under a huge trucks trailer, i was following his route to try and keep the trailer wheels from hitting my car, but the wheels were coming closer all the time i just knew i was going to die my thoughts were with my mum, not my husband or my children but my mum i was imagining her recieving the news ans planning my funeral. I had not been talking or thinking about trucks,trailers dying, roundabouts. so cannott think where this has come from.

I dreamt of the boy i like.

I dreamt of the boy i like. I have never spoken to him. We were at school in one of the computer class rooms and i walked over to my friends and then he walked up behind me hugging me from behind. We were speaking and he got his phone out. We headed out the door and down the stairs