I keep dreaming that my boyfriend is
I keep dreaming that my boyfriend is cheating on me.
I keep dreaming that my boyfriend is cheating on me.
I had a dream my girlfriend kissed someone else in front of me cheating
Seeing mangalsutra in dream means (a hindu sacred wedding neclace)
Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream
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I was at this party and kelly turned up with Ash Harris, which annoyed me. And aload of popular people from high school turned up outside to protest again us. So we all gathered outside to see what was going on and then cars started driving though us running us all over.
I was in a bus with my friends we were talking and having fun and then all of a sudden the bus stops violently because the road was blocked by black cars with black windows and some masked guys get in the bus and they started shooting. We were all trying to hide I laid on the floor annoyed
My crush brought his parents over to my place, and they cumulatively sprung the news on me that he likes me and that they came with a marriage proposal. It really annoyed me that they came without even informing me of their intentions and taking me by surprise like this.
I had a dream you and I were at Walmart. Amanda was with us too for some reason. She acknowledged my presence but paid no mind to it. Like she understood we were spending time together. We were playing around with fake swords until you stopped and told me you didn't want to be around her. So you took my hand and we started walking fast through different aisles to lose sight of her. She was angrily calling you name, but we ignored her and kept walking fast and hiding to leave he building without her. It got to a point she was yelling Bobby and you were annoyed. The next panel of my dream, you, jess and dad, and I were going to a restaurant for dinner. I was seated next to you. Across from me was my dad and across from you was jess. We were enjoying our meal next to an open window until we realized guard trucks pulling up. They started to fill the parking lot. The lights went out. At that point, we understood something was wrong and the restaurant was on lock-down. We couldn't leave because authorities were looking for someone deadly. So for some reason, everyone in the building aren't at tables anymore, but laying on the floor wrapped in blankets. It's dark and for some reason the light near our window worked but we had to turn it off. You're holding me as we're laying on the floor in a blanket and we're just looking out the window watching the guards search for the person. It's raining outside and we're just waiting. I'm scared and we eventually see a shadow of a figure outside our window. (Which now for some reason has two boards forming an "x" over the window) You immediately get up and sneak out of the room we're all laying in the grab a gun. I'm afraid that the man is right outside our window and I crawl under a table with the blanket to hide. The man crashes through the boards and starts yelling "I'm going to kill you all now" He starts shooting at a bunch of people and I'm scared for my life hiding under a table. You sneak into the room and you're looking frantically for me to make sure I'm okay. You're trying to get a good shot at the guy and you find me. So you hurry over to me and hug me and tell me "it's okay. I'll protect you Mandy. I love you." Next panel, the situation is over. The building is a mess. There are bloodied bodies scattered across the floor and debris everywhere. I don't know what happened to the shooter. You were rocking me in your arms and I asked where my dad was. You told me he was killed and I started crying loudly in your arms. I don't know what happened to jess. Then I woke up.
I was with my ex- boyfriend and his daughter at a playground, when he started acting crazy, so I drove away but I still had his daughter's coat, bag and car seat in my car. I worried she would be cold and was annoyed at my ex boyfriend for not being worried. Later I was in a giant school, cafeteria in England where my new boyfriend , one I had never met, was with me telling me how to get away from vampires, we were big chased by vampires and there were other people with us who kept getting killed by the vampires. We finally reached the cafeteria where we were safe but I tried to buy lunch and the lady behind the register kept getting angry at me and people were still being killed by the vampires.
I killed an annoying fly
I was dating someone else but I wasn't really attracted to him and he was annoying. We had sex in a theater and people were video taping us which I wasn't okay with but I basically had to force him to stop because he wanted to keep going. He was annoying in so many ways and I was confused because I kept thinking that I thought I had been super attracted to him before (my dream was thinking of you I think) but he disgusted me and he was an asshole. I was having trouble figuring out if I should break up with him because I was super unhappy but didn't know if it was because of my OCD or if I really didn't like him
I was next to my house, but this time it was bigger. When I walked in, I saw a boy sitting on the counter with my mom talking to him. I saw myself on the floor putting on makeup and acting differently than I usually do. Apparently the boy was my brother, but I have no brothers. So when they left to go to the doctor and I followed them, everybody kept giving me dirty looks as if they were annoyed at me. I was so confused.
I went to find the cover of a movie and it started off normal with my dad and i turning into a complex off the street to find a cover. The complex then turned into a deserted area with 2 shacks and a pumpkin. We went into the larger shack and it was a haunted house. I don't know why i went in because i hate everything horror. We got until level 6. Level 6 contained a bear cub. He was lying in the middle of the floor. To get pass the level we had to step over the bear cub. But i knew that with a bear cub comes a mama bear. We ran when the mama bear popped out. My dad and I headed to the smaller shack. It had a sign on the front that read "Mr. Magnum's Movies." We entered and the room was very small. The floor was dirt and there were a set of stairs leading to a second landing. You could see the second landing clearly because it was only a couple of stairs up. On the second landing was an old desk with a very old man sitting at the desk. We asked him if he had the cover of the movie we had and he spoke into a microphone. His voice was barely a whisper we couldn't hear him. He told us that Mrs Natalie had it. He told us to go to the pumpkin outside of the shack and knock and enter. I was the only person who could fit so my dad didn't go in. I knocked on the pumpkin and then entered. It was small so i had to crawl. A lady with crazy, curly, brown hair popped out of the ground and told me to come down. I looked down the hole and found that i had to drop. I dropped into a hovel. It was all dirt and nothing else. She handed me the cover and i climbed out of the hole. When i got out my dad was nowhere to be found and the area had flooded. There was a boat so i hopped on it. It brought me across the water onto a large island and then it crashed. I was in a forest on the island because the ship crashed and i fell off. I heard crying. I followed it and saw 2 babies that were twins and a boy and girl that were 14 years old. The boy was blonde with brown eyes. His name was Evan. The girl had brown hair and brown eyes. Her name was Hannah. The 4 kids were siblings. We walked back to the cliff where you could overlook the water. A couple of days passed and a rescue team came but only dropped off a large table and chairs. A couple dressers and a desk. We set them up and 4 laptops were put on the desk as well. A kitchen magically appeared to the side of the table facing the water. A brown haired, brown eyed boy who was tall and strong appeared one day and became best friends with Evan. I was at the desk one day doing work when Evan came over to me and asked me if i liked Alex. Alex was sitting right there listening so i said "Are you serious?" Then i walked over to Alex put both of my hands on his cheeks and tried to turn his head to Evan. I then said "I mean look at his nose." Alex then said "Whoa, slow down. I've only known you a couple days." The boys then laughed about it. There was a path off to the side and i saw 3 girls from my school walking down it. I wasn't really friends with them but i told them that the boys were annoying me. The next day i was working on the laptop again and i smelt something good. I looked back at the kitchen and saw Alex cooking. But i saw 2 girls in white bikinis stroking his arm and resting their head on his shoulders. I felt really sad and my face fell because i did like him.