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I dreamet that i psysically put what

I dreamet that i psysically put what i thought as a woman turmed to ne am umderaged girl on him sexually and je at fist did not want to but did cause i pushed her,tham all of a sudan i walk in on him amd his friend in a restroom bar which they just finished ejaculating on her and shes happy aboit cause they payed her,get's up and goes away upset cuz i caught him and starts leaving me and i try to stop him for answers but he just acts secretivally with the people around him and still leaves

I dreamet that i psysically put what

I dreamet that i psysically put what i thought as a woman turmed to ne am umderaged girl on him sexually and je at fist did not want to but did cause i pushed her,tham all of a sudan i walk in on him amd another friend in a restroom bar which they just finished ejaculating on her and shes happy aboit cause they payed her and hed upset cuz i caught him and starts leaving me and i try to stop him for answers but he just acts secretivally with the people around him and still leaves

My dad didn't want to drive my

My dad didn't want to drive my grandma, he said that she was expecting him to drive too far and it was unreasonable. My stepmom (we don't like each other) came out of a house and said that my grandma was in there. I went in, hugged my grandma, and offered to drop her off. She made me take her somewhere a bit far, I was worried that my sister was at home with my children and its taking me too long to get home. So I ended up waiting for my grandma for two hours, went inside to see what was taking her so long, she was with a group of young religious people (some white people too) in uniformed order and said that I can leave. On my way out my girlfriend accepted a sandwich and a green banana from a strange black man, he was dressed in a Doctor's scrub, drove a red BMW with very loud music, he had dreadlocks and gold or platinum teeth and he laughed so loud in an obnoxious way as he took off. I said to my friend that he reminded me of my ex because he laughed that way too. we got into the car and there was (what appeared to be) my 3 year old sleeping in my arms. I said to my friend that I am sure that I left my baby at home so this is not my baby. As soon as I said this the car began to twist and compress, my friend got squashed first and I woke up trying to free myself.

I dream about a white dress like

I dream about a white dress like a wedding gown with a scintillating disign, with two little dress for a beautifull daughter. And have a scintillating cristal shoes but my mom did not move she's wacthing only on her cousin wearing the dress and shoes. But my mom think at the time is the shoes is wearing on my cousin is fooling outside of the window. What is that mean?

Like we were at a waterpark and

Like we were at a waterpark and I was watching brendan go down the water slide. I look down at my magazine and looked up he was gone. I told the lifeguards he was missing and thought he might have drown but they refused to search the,bottom of the pool until closing. So my family all walked the park looking for him but couldn't find him. So we went back to where he was last and waited. The water was like lake water not pool water. They spent hours searching.for him and a.girl found him and said that he was severely beaten up from people landing on him off the slide. I started hyperventlating and crying, ran to my mom and woke up.