Me and my close friends went to a disco on a ship to Tel Aviv. My friend bought a bag of tobacco which surprised me. I went to dance and then I couldn't find my friends so i went on deck to look for them but all I saw were men in helmets running and I was told to evacuate and they asked if I lived in Tel Aviv. I went back down and asked where do I go
With about 10 million visitors a year and one of the largest merchant fleets in the world, tourism and shipping provide the backbone of the economy. The country also has a strong industrial sector, which accounts for about half of its export earnings. Agriculture has always played a large role in the economy and continues to employ a relatively large proportion of the workforce, compared with many of the other EU states. The main products of the agricultural sector include cotton, olives, raisins, tobacco, wheat, wine and wool.
Nike Free
I saw this man plowing tobacco fields in the south, i got out of my car and walked toward him as i approached i said hey guy i dont feel good and he said look and i looked back and saw my car with the door open and it was snowing. he then was a native man and he was holding me in his arms.
Chewing tobacco
I dreamt I was best friends with Jennifer Lawrence (the actress). We both put in our two weeks notice at our jobs. Unknowingly, we both recommended each other to our current bosses for our replacements. We also were trading houses. I was moving into her house & she was moving into my apartment. When I was at her house she had the date September 7th written in green on a dry erase board. When I asked her what that date was, she answered it was a year ago to the date she started her job. She hated her boss. That's when I told her I hated my boss as well. Which was also when we discovered we would be trading jobs, bosses, lives, etc. After that, I was packing up my things to move, My 15 year old niece and her friends were over smoking hookah out of a huge pipe. They were upset because someone smoked all of their tobacco. I am not a huge Jennifer Lawrence fan and I do not smoke Hookah, I cannot figure out with this dream means.
I dreamt about heaven locked for tobacco makers
Me and my close friends went to a disco on a ship to Tel Aviv and all my school friends turned up. My friend bought a bag of tobacco which surprised me. I went to dance and then I couldn't find my friends so i went on deck to look for them but all I saw were men in helmets running and I was told to evacuate and they asked if I lived in Tel Aviv. I went back down and asked where do I go
Me and my close friends went to a club on a ship to Tel Aviv. My friend bought a bag of tobacco which surprised me. I went to dance and then I couldn't find my friends so i went on deck to look for them but all I saw were men in helmets running and I was told to evacuate and they asked if I lived in Tel Aviv. I went back down and asked where do I go