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Dreams switch

Found 177 dreams containing switch

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was in my grandmothers old house. the lights wouldnt turn on, it was kinda scary. i go upstairs and someone have covered a light switch. the house was scary. i walk down and see my brother as a younger person before he died sitting in the recliner. at one point in the dream i am wrestling with a cat. the cat is trying to bite me and is very strong. i realize its not even my cat. it was supossed to have been a cat i had once in my lifetime and i even called it by name and realized it wasnt that cat when it was attacking me.i walk down and i see nurses over a bed with my son in it who is 9. then i see a baby crawling toward me and thought it was a ghost baby and started saying i found my baby. the nurses take the baby and say i stole another mans baby and say your son is right here and point to the child in the bed. i panic and start running because in the dream in my mind i think they are going to commit me. i run into a room and see my dad he is in the bed listening to headphones. i jump in bed with him. he was paralyzed which in real life he was. but then in walks his ghost from when he used to be able to walk and has something in his hands he is trying to show me. i start kicking at him and get woke up because someone wakes me up because i am screaming in real life while asleep.

Back In 2016 I dreamed I was walking with a group of people following Jesus face which was in the sky looking down on us and then I switched into another dream which me and my family were outside and this beautiful colorful sphere which was a spaceship or a meteor came out the sky and as soon as it touch the ground it was a strong energy that made everyone fall to the ground and i woke up. Can anyone please help me figure this out its been bugging me since 2016

Had earlier dream about living in an apartment that was improperly constructed which resembled canterbury and I was trying to figure out what the shared walls were. The scene switched to where I was going to a football game that I was supposed to be playing in. I actually jogged past the location and overan the road I was supposed to turn down. Wearing full uniform and equipment, I started running full speed to the next turn. The scenery was a series of empty, goldish wheatfields like a road in Iowa or Nebraska. I turned down a road and started walking back through a field. There was a dog running toward me fast and it looked like its owner was behind it and had let it off its leash. Then out of nowhere came another dog of a different breed running across the field toward the first dog. While the first dog was distracted, I began going the other way. I noticed Qjr behind me and went to grab him before one of the dogs got him. Then I saw a third dog making its way toward me with a mailman walking in the background laughing at my misfortune. I woke up, partly because I had to pee due to drinking a small bottle of water before bed.

Was sitting in a large room, there was alot of people in the room which had a white floor, every one was talking and joking around. a old friend approached me and sat a large brown bag down next to me. she said there was 3 gifts in it for me. the first gift i opened i just knew was a switch blade n it was,someone said oh wow nice a switch blade i always wanted a stiletto. i replied i have a stiletto. the second gift was a unique am fm radio, the third idk what it was

I woke up in my dream and saw 2 cobra snakes on my bed, the one on my right was a white cobra that shhhsss and was alert but it wasn’t looking at be, it looked over me and then I looked at where it was looking at and I saw a dead black cobra or black snake on my left… So I stood up and switch on my light and there was nothing, it was 2:45 AM. I heard snakes bring messages when it appears in dreams but is this a bad or good sign? AN what is the meaning of the dream?

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