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Dreams swimming

Found 1,185 dreams containing swimming

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I dream the gray bird chaseng me and want me to eat him, and i refuse then the bird jump into the fire, after that me and my friends swimming in the river, there is a chicken floating down ward with the white thread in the leg and tied up on my ankle, suddenly There is a boy shouting my name that im dead, me and my friends follow the boy where the dead body is, and when im getting close i saw people wearing white around the dead with white cover, and 1 person walk to my direction and slap me hard and i wake up.

So I don't know exactly whe I had this dream but possibly early morning I was walking on the streets suddenly I don't know if it is a cow or bull started chasing continuously so finally I climbed the wall and escaped it then again when I was heading near my home there's a dog barking outside when I looked the nearest house there was a hyena inside I was crossing that house by spelling my beloved deities name and after sometime it got escaped and I escaped from it to..so all of a sudden I became a kind of hunter there was a 7 feet Godzilla I got orders to eliminate it and I'm shooting it and it got injured so badly but still it keep on going to some no man region near the sea so again when I took a shot on it something else coming from behind it's the small Godzilla's which was soooo huge so to escape I jumped into the sea and swimming and that's all I remember all of the sudden I woke up

I was in my favorite anime and hiding from the villain as he was looking for me.An old couple came our way so he went to greet them but the lady disregarded and insulted him because her husband cheated on her.He took then away from the crowd and killed them. I was also with the lady as I was trying to console her. When I saw him killing them i tried to run away but he got me and was going to hurt me but I got saved by another character who slashed the villain but in the process I fell into a pool and started to drown since I did not know swimming. A strange girl with a teddy came to help me and as she reached me she started hitting the teddy saying it couldn't save me. She then extended her arm and in the process her fake nails hit against the platform making her annoyed.So I offered to get her and her friends an appointment for their nails. Suddenly the girl and her friens started stabbing whoever was not in their group and tried to follow me while a tried getting away. The villain laughed saying that he enjoyed killing.Some parts of this dream took place in my residence.

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