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Dreams stag

Found 358 dreams containing stag

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

My ex is trying to kill me & current boyfriend with a rifle seeing us walking home from work. he starts chasing us while trying to kill us. He shoots boyfriend first. I yell out to get down, ex missed shot to boyfriend head by an inch as result. Ex shoots & hits me while I call for help. laying on ground, police car speeding towards me and boyfriend jumps out, start to run toward me. That’s when I woke up. Bf in dream is only friend in life but been wondering how to tell when to advance too relationship stage, and also nervous to do so after multiple very abusive relationships(couple were life threatening)

I was in the auditorium at Martha Brown. I was on stage, moving these set pieces over and over again trying to get them lined up perfectly. The set pieces felt larger than life, as the height was so great it was almost imperceptible-like a skyscraper. I was lining them up incorrectly- from the back instead of the front. I could feel myself getting anxious and overwhelmed. Then l, or someone else, took a photo of the audience and there was a big flash. After that, another person on the crew walked in carrying a cartoon-ish pillow I asked who made them and it was the person who was supposed to be my new boss. He carved them out of wood.

I had a dream with my crush which i wasent even thinking about her i was with my brother and his friends they where playing some games and i saw a video on social media that was a girl with red hair and i dont know why but she wanted my number and they appered in my house that girl was in the other room i told a girl if there was any other red head (my crush) and she said ou so you want her sister not her i was surprised because i didnt knew she had a sister i knew only about her brother and i said to that girl can you give me her sister's instagram  so i can give the number ro the other girl so as i go to get her number she wasent there i go to see her sister's instagram there was a different person than the dream ended

I had a dream with my crush which i wasent even thinking about her i was with my brother and his friends they where playing some games and i saw a video on social media that was a girl with red hair and i dont know why but she wanted my number and they appered in my house that girl was in the other room i told a girl if there was any other red head (my crush) and she said ou so you want her sister not her i was surprised because i didnt knew she had a sister i knew only about her brother and i said to that girl can you give me her sister's instagram  so i can give the number ro the other girl so as i go to get her number she wasent there i go to see her sister's instagram there was a hole different person than the dream ended

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