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Dreams sigh

Found 193 dreams containing sigh

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

It started out with a zombie apocalypse, I didn’t see any zombies I just knew it. I’m out in the hot summer run in a lush green forest, looking for food and shelter. There’s a rustle behind me and I turn, hunter’s knife in hand and it’s an older man with a little kid hiding behind him. They look hungry, hungrier than me. I ask him why dosent he try out for our district’s competition. Sure it’s a zombie apocalypse but we still had a form of government. And this one held a competition twice a year for the common people to live in the capital if they won, runner ups get food. We travel to the compound where it’s being held. Like a metal auditorium, small and the steel is surprisingly not boiling hot. I trained the little girl in preparation for the competition, I’ve grown close with her and her dad. Revealing I had competed when I was 16 and won. But now I was living as an outsider. The compound soon fills with families also competing. We get sat next to a redhead family, I can tell something is off with the dad by the way he sighs as he watches his young twin daughter play. We fill out paperwork as the 13 or so judges come in and take their seats. I recognized a few but one knew me. He smiles and tilts his head in a respectful way. I turn away feeling my face go red. First is the kids spouting off facts about our government. Next to compete are the fathers. They’re made to kill zombies, the red head father almost died. A zombie aiming for his neck, I kicked it away from me and the girls and the guy I’m with kills it. The night ends, the judges leave but we are made to sleep on the steel benches and dirt floor. There’s a small lamp, I remember someone once telling me the capital uses these little lamps to signal for electricity. Turning it off is considered a crime. I’ve competed before, I know what comes the next day. I know I’m the only one awake, I turned it off to give me an extra leg up in tomorrow’s competition. Then it’s tomorrow, everyone wakes. No one notices the lamp. The judges come back, the one I know personally gives me a smile as he sits. I hear whispers. The capital holds this event twice a year because they’re struggling to keep people alive in their secluded area. It’s true. I used to live there so I know it is true. I say nothing, no one can know I competed before. I need to help the little girl and her father, they’re my friends. It’s time to complete. I look over at the tired red headed father and know immediately what he is thinking. I whisper to him, don’t kill yourself, your daughters and wife need you. He looks surprised, I shrug and get down from my seat and stand near his wife. There’s a song we are meant to sing but the tablet with the lyrics isn’t working. There’s no electricity, I made sure of that. I know the default song, it’s the district’s anthem. They have us sing it while they wrote our scores. I sing soft for the parts I know I won’t get right and belt out the parts I know I can nail. This is how I was taught to sing. By the judge that I know. He looks proud I remembered his teachings from when I was younger. I hold back a grimace. They give us our scores, we have to add them together. There’s comments left next to the scores. I notice the judge I know left me a x8. I can multiply my entire score by 8 to get the highest score and win. He leaves me a flirty compliment. The dream ends before I can get my final score.

I was at a huge house with my toddler son, and I knew one person but then lots of people came to party. I wanted to lay my son down for sleep but not around people. Someone told me there was a guest house connected to the main one with a kids room and tv, so I brought my son and a random little girl there so they could sleep. Once I’m there someone knocks on the door and four large scary men were standing there and I went to shut the door but they stopped it and then sprayed gas into the room. I then grabbed my son and the girl and busted a window to get us out and run to the main house, once we were there no one was in sight

I was at my parents house when I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that the lens of my left eye had become cloudy with a thin milky white layer resembling cataract. It impaired my eyesight reducing the vision on the eye to about 50%. Even though I realized that I couldn't remove it, the discomfort i felt as a result of the reduced eyesight made me rub it repeatedly. I walked out of the bathroom and headed to join my family in the garden while feeling concerned about the possibility that it would spread to the other eye and leave me blind.

I walk towards the entrance of a forest. It has a raised mud wall (waist-high) on either side leading up into the forest, like a pathway, and looks as though a gate should be there. Sitting right at the 'entrance' is an old, dishevelled and unshaven man behind a large desk. I approach and greet him, then drift past him, walking along the mud walls, when I see two corpses and two dead dogs lying along it. The men are in a late stage of decomposing. The dogs are lying on their backs with their legs thrown up in the air as though they have been electrocuted. Immediately, I suspect the 'gatekeeper' of their murder. I turn and ask him whether he killed them, both men and dogs, and he says that no, this is how he found them upon arriving there at dawn. I tell him that we can't leave them here this way as it's too disturbing a sight and suggest we put them away. We wrap each corpse in black bin-liners and I help him carry the dogs to some shrubs, but I tell him I feel too disgusted to carry the men, as they are humans

I had this dream that i saw this book that was fanfiction and in the book,i saw how i met laharl when i was real little and it was love at first sight and that i've felt like i've met him before disgaea even existed and i was happy with this book i've found and was telling everyone about this book and praised it and told everyone every detail about the story and the chapters,etc and also in the story when i met laharl,i think i gave him a kiss and hw was being tsundere about it and saying that he doesn't like me(which was a lie) and was blushing and then we promised to see each other again someday...

Dreamed about my family one that I do not have yet one that I want and just got my child so adoption and it was raining at our house when I open the door The child ran outside and so did the dog we called out to him because we didn't want him getting wet or running off and as we start to go down the steps all white albino alligator comes out of the water and grabs our child on its head and started to drag him away as I go to scream for help or screening my child someone help no sound comes from my voice my partner only says that's a very unusual sight and I just keep running towards the alligator but then I wake up

I had a dream about I'm studying college somewhere in the college my School friends also there. In that class I'm the silent girl moreover I was sit at first bench in the class. I was late joine however I got one friend who have a handsome, cute , loyal man. He have a lot of girls fan but he only want to friendship with me. One day he proposed me and I'm accept his proposal. One day so many rumours about his I got my some people. He was trying to convince me to said that this is was rumour but I'm not ready to know that it is. We all travel at the bus he was sit behind me. I'm looking him both know well but I'm in anger. At the time we where sit at the bus some people tell me about him that rumours on that time I look at him moreover asking him in my eyes he said no then I talk with him. Then I'm side with him then talk with him on his ears. I'm eating chicken and asking him do you want he said no i don't eat sometimes only I eat that you eat my dear. Then I'm eating food he was sighting me. Then in he drop at our college front gate. At the time girls trying to talk with him but he doesn't mind those people who try to impress him. He is familiar man but only want me. He doesn't mind others who try to impress

I was walking on an island, and found a jetpack. I put on the jetpack and a gravitational force threw me into the water. The fish kept getting bigger and bigger, but eventually the force stopped, and i swam back to shore. As soon as i reached shore, the force threw me into the air, then it felt like i was falling forever. I could see the clouds. I landed in the middle of the ocean, the island no where in sight, and huge sharks circled around me. they came closer, and de-limbed me. All of my limbs were torn from my body as i cried out in pain. Then i died, and a red screen appeared and said, "GAME OVER"

I was searching for a room to sit down for a while. I entered two rooms. The first one was a room full of mirrors. In that room, the dream looked like real life only darker. I walked out. The second room I entered was cozy but it was not realitic, it looked like a children illustratiin or a elegant cartoon. There was an arm chair in front of a chimney with a beautiful fire. I walked toward the chair to sit there but a orange fox nicely dressed was sitting there. He had no eyes where the eyes should have been.I apologized and asked if I could sit in the room. He said, you can sit if you find a chair. I looked around and there was a chair toward a side wall. Then the fox said: but if you stay and look at the fire, you will loose your sight.

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