Understand My Dreams

Dreams secretary

Recently I dreamed that my car was in the auto shop, & I was going to get it out. On the way there a guy gave me a ride & then invited me to attend his church. I said okay, & shortly after arriving at his church I discovered that a number of their church practices were what Christians call "false teachings". While I was there I also saw two young & very pretty girls who were both NAKED! This was not like any other dream of seeing naked people. Usually, I can't see much, but this time I got a PERFECT VIEW of them! Then when I went to the restroom I discovered that there was no door or even walls. I had to be naked in front of a bunch of people, but was not bothered by it! Not the usual for me. After that, someone told us that we had to get rid a lot of trash that was in the church. There was a lot of paper trash shoved underneath a table & it took a while to get it all. Next we had to clear out a lot of metal trash. We managed to fill a huge, huge trash bin. I left with the idea that since that church taught a lot of false doctrine, that they might also be abusing people too (think Waco & David Koresh)! I also thought I might should bring things to the attention of law enforcement, but doubted that it would do any good. Then I got a call from my mom (deceased by the way) telling me that my dad (also deceased) had been out riding my sisters bicycle (trashed decades ago) when he got hit by a train. The train people offered to get the bicycle fixed & my mom needed me to pick it up at a (different) auto shop. So I went there & found the manager in his office kissing his secretary. The secretary had removed her shirt, & once again I saw everything! Afterwards, I got the bike to my parents who were staying in a small, slightly run-down place provided by the bicycle insurance company. I woke up before I could get my car or get back to those pretty (& naked) girls. I should also mention that I am 65 & retired.

I dreamed that I was taking a long journey by car from Seattle to the university in North Dakota that I want to attend. Once I arrived, I went to the admissions office where the secretary said my credits were transferred successfully. But just about as I was about to ask for financial aid, the dream changed. We were still in the same place (other people) but a UFO had come shaped like an arrow. I beat the aliens ( who looked like blue man group people with yellow eyes. We were able to fly by gliding. Some were afraid in the group and asked for a parachute. But I said the parachutes would just get tangled and they would all die. then the arrow shapped UFO passed over and everyone said that they were glad that the aliens were gone. My view changed and I saw a lone alien hunched in the hull of the space ship. Then it came back to me and I said no, that they are still here. Then I woke up.

I was at school just wandering around. Chelsea the person from our Youth and Family waster. I saw Mr. Cap who was a special ed teacher, A bunch of people were doing different things. I was in the hallway. Ms. Flaming, the school secretary, was injured. Her leg was folded backwards and in a cast. I was at one of ballroom dance competitions in Las Vegas. The building the competition was held in was a hospital. My grandmother was laying there in a bed because I found out she was in a bomb accident. Ms. Flaming waist the bed next to her. My grandmother was fine. She told me about the accident and how there was this guy who had a suitcase in there hospital room. He put the suitcase in a spot and later on it exploded. She said this without concern. My grandmother had explained this situation with a random suitcase. I got nervous and thought it would explode. We had to go say goodbye my dance instructor. In the ballroom, I saw him, and hugged him then left. My grandparents and I were in a car and then I realized I left my phone in my grandmother's hospital room. They were both ok with it and said we could turn around, but I was so nervous that we were going to get bombed. Fast forward....... We were in the car in a city, kind of like New Haven, CT. I'm pretty sure I thought I was in Las Vegas though. When I left to get into a car, it warlike leaving an airport

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