I was in a very crowded party with old friends and family having a couple drinks. Then i saw a rich friend who betrayed me in an expensive car carrying home his cousin. I walk outside to confront him while he was driving and i pointed to my head indicating a gun to his head. Instead he pointed a gun at me. His father was at this gathering so i decided to get a drink before i tell his father. On my way to meet his father the side parth with grass was collapsing while walking on it so i walked in the road then headed up a very small hill next to the bulding about less that 100 feet. There was a lot of people there aswell. Before i could find his father people where saying the king went under when the ground was collapsing and that he is dead. Then out of the collapsed rubble thats was about 25 feet down his head roled out and was speaking. The crowd gather at the top around the collapse area to watch. The king was speaking something but i didn't understand what he was saying. Then out of the collapse area where the king head was there was a crack. Out of that dark crack a hand covered in black silk cloth came out next to the kings head and moved around its fingers with yellow nails. Out of nowhere a shriveled body with a foot cut out was expunged from the black cloth. Then some unknown prays was being said loudly by the king fusing both the kings head and the shriveled body together. I understood the words being said in the prays but not the language. The body fused together like molten metal with no heat all while the kings head and the shriveled body chanted. The only thing i understood in the chant was at the end the fuse body said jai shree Krishna. September 11, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
It was my birthday and he was there as well and there was selena gomez at my birthday too announcing stuff and we were at like a super rich house for my birthday and then after the party we went to go clean up and all of a sudden we were at sip for my birthday with tracy and braxton and then there was a bunch of construction people that came in and said that we needed to put in a bed so i walked into a room and it turned into my mom and dads room and i was holding a baby i think it was zaya for sure and they did a super big bed in and i left zaya in the laundry basket to go wash the dishes and braxton was cleaning up the room near the bathroom so he was there then i looked at him and he looked at me and we made eye contact and it was so awkward but he then said that he liked me and stuff and in my head i was thinking like umm i have a boyfriend i gotta go tell shane and then we went home very awkward and then braxton texts me like “i’m really sorry i know you have a boyfriend but i just couldn’t help it like you’re tiny, pretty, sparkley, orange,” and then sent like lipstick, a painting emoji and some other weird emojis October 11, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream of getting hunted done by all the children in the town to hurt and kill myself, it was first started at school when some rich fat bitch caught me cutting myself he drove me crazy and he found out that my mum abused me, my dad was the only person I could trust but he touches me, it excalated so bad until every single kid was put to see me kill myself, I had a moment with a kid who understood how I felt but they jumped and killed themselves, no adult would listen to me August 13, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was standing on bus stand on revealing black outfit and i saw a strange men who dressed up decently grabbed my hand and forced me to go in a room attached with kitchen another men was standing on a kitchen seeing he grabbed me he see me and said one who grab my hand was a conductor and he is rich and bad guy he used to rape girls after hearing that i try to escape and he give me bunch of bangles and tell me to throw one of the bangle if it broke he do whatever he want to do with me if it not broke i can leave so i choose a thick Bangle so it not broke unfortunately thick bangle broke and he suddenly kissed my lips and lick my tongue and he touched my personal body part and my dream end May 27, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt of me being with my bestfriends,friend Marquis and not Richie.I was really happy,my aunt was with Ethan, and I was in love with Marquis. December 10, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a very crowded party with old friends and family having a couple drinks. Then i saw a rich friend who betrayed me in an expensive car carrying home his cousin. I walk outside to confront him while he was driving and i pointed to my head indicating a gun to his head. Instead he pointed a gun at me. His father was at this gathering so i decided to get a drink before i tell his father. On my way to meet his father the side parth with grass was collapsing while walking on it so i walked in the road then headed up a very small hill next to the bulding about less that 100 feet. There was a lot of people there aswell. Before i could find his father people where saying the king went under when the ground was collapsing and that he is dead. Then out of the collapsed rubble thats was about 25 feet down his head roled out and was speaking. The crowd gather at the top around the collapse area to watch. The king was speaking something but i didn't understand what he was saying. Then out of the collapse area where the king head was there was a crack. Out of that dark crack a hand covered in blavk silk cloth came out next to the kings head and moved around its fingers with yellow nails. Out of nowhere a shriveled body with a foot cut out was expunged from the black cloth. Then some unknow prays was being said loudly by the king fusing both the kings head and the shriveled body together. I understood thevwords being said in the prays but not the language. The body fused together like molten metal with no heat all while the kings head and the shriveled body chanted. The only thing i understood in the chant was at the end the fuse body said jai shree Krishna September 11, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis