I was in a zoo's reptile exhibit and I had collected something from one of the animals. As I did this some got onto my finger and as I was going to go wash it off I looked down and my finger was gone. March 28, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
I see a snake but a friend caught it it became a reptile and he handle it with no harm and ill take them a picture ot photos February 16, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I woke up in the dirt at an arena. I was tortured. I saw reptiles. There was a crowd of celebrities. A man named Donald Marshall was creating music. March 19, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Dogs loving me. Then dogs fighting. Then see lizard and cockroach. Reptile and insect. October 07, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
I see a snake but when my workmate caught it in his mouth and slowly getting up it became a reptile with four legs February 16, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I am deathly afraid of snakes. I dreamt that while sleeping a baby ball python got into my mouth and made itself at home on the right side of my mouth. I spent the entire dream trying to find someone to get it out. I went to a reptile store they told me they could not go inside my mouth and i had to go to a dentistt. I called a dentist they wanted $1500 to take the snake out of my mouth. I was very frightened. I didnt want to swallow, breath, eat, talk but had to talk. I didnt have the money t pay the dentist so I was trying to call friends and family to help me out. I finally got the help. I didnt finish the dream or at least i have no memory of it. last i remember is my friend helping me out. dont even know if i got the snake out or not. January 07, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Found snakes in a bedroom. At least four snakes, appear to be harmless corn snakes or king snakes. Grabbed two to take outside (one bites me, but not too bad, but I wonder if it was coral snake instead of king), I think it must be a mating thing. Called for my son to come look, but youngest daughter was the only one to come out. I throw the snakes into the yard. They race off in matching movements, racing across yard, but seem bigger now, and suddenly a huge bigger reptile speeds in, chasing the snakes. I think it was a tagu (big lizard but it was longer). It sped toward the house, then seemed to collide with the foundation of the house under the stairs. It bounded out from there, snapped on daughter's leg and tried to drag her away. I jumped on it, pried the jaws open, and freed Samantha. Went to sleep at around 11p, woke from dream apx 12:20-12:25 am. June 24, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis