Roof is leaking during a rain and am collecting buckets to catch the warer opejing curtains so the dont get wet and Am thinking of repairing the roof. October 09, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in an airport and a lady working there ask if there was anyone that needed help with getting their ticket,i went to her and she took a staple and cut my hand in the center of my palm and put the blood in a machine which gave me my ticket but my hand started repairing itself in a matter of second May 18, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Roof is leaking during a rain and clear water is falling on my pillow. Am thinking of repairing the roof. February 17, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Biking in mountains, going into a big old church, flat tire on bike, repairing the bike with nail polish, getting help from a strange foreigner, being stressed and nervous to be late February 04, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was working on a former neighbor's parent's car. I was repairing the brake system but did not have a part that I needed so I was going to come back the next day to finish fixing the car. When I was about to leave I heard the younger sister of this former neighbor friend. She was getting ready to leave the house with her boyfriend and her parents were mad about this. Their parents were extremely strict and did not want them around boys. But the younger sister and her boyfriend left anyway. As I was about to leave this girl who used to be my friend came out and we started talking and catchin up on old times. She revealed to me that she was recently divorced and I told her the same was true for me. While we were talking I found out that she worked in the lab at my father's place of employment. We continued talking while we went somewhere in in my car. The car broke down and we ended up riding a bicycle back home and did not let anything ruin our time together. It was just great to be able to spend time together and catch up on all that had happened in the many years that had past since we had seen each other. After talking some more she went inside. I then proceeded to Clen up the tools and the car that I had been working on. While doing this I came across 2 picies of fruit. I stole two pieces of fruit. One was a banana and the other was a fruit from a foreign land that I was unfamiliar with. I put them in a refrigerator and just as I did this friend of mine came out of the house wearing only a towel. She then said I have this feeling like it is going to happen and I am tired of putting it off because you are incredibly sexy and I want to kiss you. We then began kissing. She was a very bad kisser but she was also very sexy. In the process the towel slipped down exposing her bare breasts. We kissed for a moment longer and I kissed her breasts before she went back inside the house and we agreed that we would see each other the next day. September 14, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreaming that I am a computer code repairing myself as if I were solving a puzzle March 19, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis