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Dreams priest

Found 159 dreams containing priest

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was walking on the rooftop of a school and had to walk a distance to get down. I noticed some students walking to the edge of the building and they stepped off the roof and plunged downwards. One of them was from my drama class at Haig Girls' called Mia. Curious, I looked over the roof and saw that there was a giant trampoline at the foot of the school right where they walked off the roof. I wanted to follow suit but was very afraid. A few girls stepped off the roof in the meantime Opposite this school building is a school called Teck Whye primary school. Suddenly, a flood came. I know it's because of the rain, but I don't remember if I could feel it. The water rose till it reached the roof.at the opposite school, the water had covered the entire roof except for the middle part. Someone came to me on her motorboat and I hitched a ride. : For some reason, after she'd sent me through the centre path of the opposite school roof, I found myself in a mystical but dusty room with many books and artefacts. I don't remember what 1 took, but before I knew it, I was back where I first started, with the flood still happening, holding some books and artefacts in my arms (in paper bags), just as quickly as it started, the water of the flood started to drain and the water levels dropped quickly. I stepped of the rooftop the way Is saw my students did and iwas enveloped by the murky green water I felt the water receding quickly and as I passed through branches very quickly, I landed on the trampoline which now looks like a crash mat. A lady and a man (who was in priest garbs ) met me at the crash mat. I showed them the artefacts and books I'd saved And the priest nodded at me. He told me to take The magick books and leave the rest behind. I asked about the paperbag of bronze people statues who looked like mother many and he said to leave those behind too. I was reluctant to do so, but did as he said and took the magick books.

I am in a church and the catholic priest dressed in white sprinkles blessed water on everyone. When he reaches me he pours on me all the remaining water. Then sprinkles again the second time and I do the sign of the cross. The lady in green sits beside me but I stand.Then comes back to the altar to give the final blessing. Then I carry blessed water with a small plastic bottle. Later, it's the Eucharistic adoration people mentioning baby Jesus, like remembering his life as a child. One lady in green sits looking the opposite side and head bowed and scratching her head. In real life this lady is fighting a chronic disease. I and her are in a black car, and it's moving aimlessly, I check and see she is stepping on the brakes/ crutch and I take over the rear. I am in the highway driving. And I pack it beside the road. I am all alone now. I pass by a very smart house on foot and a lady in white gives me what looks like a card.(The size of a smart card. Now I am coming out of a house and am peeling a yellow ripe banana, although I do not see myself eating.and a purple cabbage on my right hand. Am going to look where I packed the car. I see my mum along the way. I wake up still asking if I packed it very far from the church we received the blessing and am actually not concerned that I can no longer find it

Story tone: I have this dream that is really frequent lately, like i live in a town that is close to a river... the town is a cuban style close to modern but full of palm trees... then there is this night in every two weeks, people is sleeping early and shut all the doors and window tightly. and here is my scene came in... i'm not sure why but i feel like im new in the town but seems i'm living in the town my whole life. then one night everyone is panicking because some weird creature appears and seems creating havoc in the area. then when i realized that i need to escape what i think of is to bring my aunt with me and my nieces. then i realized i have a super power.. that i can float/fly but it's took weak.. like i can just barely above the roof... but still i tried to escape with my aunt and my nieces me trying to carry all of them so we are just floating above the river... then the next segment is we found a town next to the river and the town have a cave.... we do not know the place so what we did is we go to this big cave and we try to rest there and sleep... then we actually try to hide because some people are coming out in the cave-like you know the feeling that they where there because they had a prayer or what.... that's the feeling... and there is a priest.. but one thing caught my attention is there is a boy that looks like the hunchback of Notre-Dame... but a bit skinnier and younger. but the face is almost the same and creepier... btw this is in the middle of the night.... so while im resting.... one of my niece went back to me that she was like stub or sliced in the stomach asking for help.... or saying to leave the place... and one of my niece is missing... thinking that maybe the creepy dude is did something weird to them... and the town is also like the same town i've been to like everyone is shutting their homes. then me and my one niece is trying to escape one boy helped us.. since i have a power to float he said we can stay somewhere high in a one house... like the feeling of a Bird nest.. whit hay and everything... then that's where it ended.... hahahahahah this is kind the most recent dreams i have and it's the same thing for the past weeks.... by the way the drawing is the creature like i saw hahahah like they have skin like texture but slimy.....

It looks like some family function maybe my eldest brother in law's son's wedding. Thereis dome puja going on and Im sitting and watching. Due to the light flashing on his face I could not see that my brother in law waa calling me at the behest of the priest to do some ritual where he gives me a coin that I did not expect. I leave with the coin in my hand thinking its money. Then I pick uo another coin tgat I had kept on a shelf thinking it might be taken away by someone watching me. I look into my hand and find out that I was given a big silver coin by my brother in law and mu smaller coin too was made of silver. I instantly smiled and said to myself that silver is lucky for me.

I am a 57 years old divorcee. I have two boys and a married daughter. I saw in my dream that my dead mom and dead grandma were giving me away in marriage to a non existing person (I saw no groom). There were no guests in the ceremony, no one but mom, granny, the priest and myself and we were all dressed in black. I was holding a bouquet of crimson roses wrapped up in black flower paper. I was thinking of how weird the wedding ceremony was, yet was feeling quite happy as in real life I didn't have a proper wedding party nor I wore a wedding dress; but mom wasn't happy at all and granny was crying. I kept smiling to the non existing audience while thinking whom was I getting married to.

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