Understand My Dreams

Dreams panther

I crow flys over my head and drops a note in front of me with my name with a necklace and a invitation and when i put the neclice around my neck crows picked me up and took me to a house with the address from the letter and when i enter i walked up these stairs to a sorta observatory and saw this old women a black panther looking things i could make out what its looked like honstly i gave her the note i had and she said that this cat is mine and in way bailed on me and disappeared in smoke when i woke up i also was female and a kistune and after that for 8 days everything in th house had a awful grudge where i littraly felt like they wanted to kill me over and over again and it was like i was in hell with the suffering but the cat allways seem to be there like it know what was going on but also seem to say i have to let it play out like i needed to be done or something

I was wandering on a cruise ship and I found a secret room on the deck. Inside it, there was a beautiful but terrifying black panther. I looked at it in awe but was afraid of it so circled to the back of the room and the panther escaped out of the room and ran around the deck of the ship. The panther ended up mauling someone to death. The cruise ship security guards went searching for the guilty party who let the panther out of the room, but they did not catch me. I was able to lie my way through it and get away with everything, but I felt guilty and sad about the innocent person that died.

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