Understand My Dreams

Dreams orgasm

I was standing in my bedroom which appeared larger than normal and it had an extra closet covered in orange tapestry. Someone pressed against the back of my neck and the upper most center of my back. It was a firm hold but not painful. I was not in fear. I looked on my bed and picked up my ear buds and put only the right ear plug into my ear. I did not see a radio but listened to some type of radio frequency. The first one I listened to was very faint and Not audible. I then heard the frequency or channel move to another station and it was a clear voice. A mans voice said “ it’s good to see you”. It was a calm and reassuring voice in my opinion. After hearing the voice I repeated out loud” it’ good to see you”. Not understanding why this was the message. What messes the dream up for me is that there was an orgasm as I woke up. Any insight to this dream would be helpful.

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