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Dreams mule

Found 12 dreams containing mule

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I dreamt gypsys had stolen my two puppies to kill them and I was frantically running to get them, they killed one and I managed to save the other, then they gypsy asked me to get into a white van where I was sure they were going to murder me. Further on I was sat in the bingo hall near my house when I noticed the numbers s were becoming all fuzzy and the book wasn't right. One of the gypsyies was working at the bingo and when I went to the toilet, they burst out of a cubicle, stabbed me in the chest and ran off with something that was embedded in my chest, not my heart. I ran after them, bleeding and caught them and got back this amulet an placed it back in my chest, nearly dieting my partner entered my dream and helped me sow my chest back together. I recovered. And as I was recovering in my bed, I woke up from my dream lay in the position I was in, in my dream.

1697 - There is a feeling blackness and desolation where once productivity and sense of community took place. “When I arrived, windows were closed up; tapestries covering windows. You could tell there was pillaging and evacuation with the arrival of this new emerging power. Where when I arrived, it was flourishing. The thick walled gates have been damaged. When it once smelled earthy, now is stench and filth. Now it is just a castle in the middle of nowhere with occasional lost chicken or animals running loose. 1697 KRK – ah, a stoney sectional-multi level house surrounded by cypress and pale yellow roses. The cliff drops off to one side, sloping down into the water. Deep blue water. The furniture here is not as thick and woodsy as (Lika castle) but more primitive of animal skin. There is a window that looks out into the water. Sun shines through it! Terraces looking out over cliffs. There is a small kitchen, where of, course, I love to spend time. Herbs grow in windows, and bouganvilla in pots. I don’t really feel cold, but love the smell of wood burning in a stove. When we arrived, walls were cracked and there were no potted plants of color. There is a little notch of a private cove were we dock a wooden boat. Sometimes at night, we would take a lantern and fish for silver fish. They are drawn to the light. We keep a mule for carrying provisions up. A goat. Some chickens, some pigs. Our diet is mostly fish and vegetables, cheese I make. You make cheese? I laugh, yes. Cook has been with me a long time. She has been my right and left angel wings. Lost her husband about five years ago, all knotty fingered from years of hard hard work. Never a complaint. You need to remember that we have to be discreet, in hiding. No music. No friends. Little laughter. A lot of contemplation. A time to tell my story. Sometimes, my eyes are so weighed down with the darkness of death. Here I don’t have to dress in accordance with the social status of my relations.

I was with a group of friends. We were in a rustic world. The world was of superstition, rogues, and canvas clothes, dirt ‘roads, donkeys and mules that carried goods, and roman soldiers. We were dirty and dusty and talking and mingling when we saw the sentries carting these enormous carts that resembled hay carts only bigger. They were covered in coarse dirty canvas and bound with ropes. We were undoubtedly curios so we followed them for a distance before turning into an abandoned side street where we notice d a huge wooden garden gate that towered about three times as tall as any grown man. It was locked and it seemed like there was a piece of the city hidden behind it and we could find no other entrance nor remember ever having seen this peculiarity once in our lives before. Being the hotheaded adventure seekers we were, we scaled the gate and landed behind it. All we saw was more stucco walls that we assumed was housing and a long open dirty road without any vendors or stalls or donkeys. The only thing we saw in the distance was the form of what appeared to be a misshapen babe. We decided to walk around and try to find the people that lived there but happened upon the babe sooner than we expected. Much to our surprise the sitting babe was nearly as tall as we were and it’s dancing sister who would normally look no older than two or three years loomed a few feet above us. We stared with our mouths agape as we tried to comprehend what we saw. Then we heard it. Rumbling footsteps that undoubtedly belonged to the parent of these abnormal children. Not wanting to meet whatever conceived such anomalies we darted for the gate but found it nearly impossible to scale. We alsotried squeezing through the nonexistent gaps in the slating and near the ground while we cursed ourselves for our rash stupidity. The creature that rounded the corner was huge. But considering that we were all too busy dodging its blows and scrambling to find our way out we had no idea what gender it may have been and whether or not it appeared human. I am still unable to describe how we managed to escape the nether side of the wooden garden gate, but thankfully we did. I do remember watching the solders finish unloading these gigantic canvas wrapped burdens from the huge carts. Donning dirty, abandoned doctors robes my friends and I approached the sentries with an air of confidence. One sentry led us over to the hills that he promptly ordered to be be uncovered for us only ( I may not have mentioned but this huge square was devoid of all but the solders and ourselves). They cut the ropes and the canvas falls and there are several Giant’s carcasses. Some of their bodies look mutilated, burned, and others are just bloody. My friends and I gather our bearings and try to look as professional as possible as we study the bodies. We then walk over to the most mutilated and damaged carcass in order to more closely observes how they killed these creatures (our experience form earlier that day still fresh in our minds.) The solder then asks for my opinion on the body and I scramble mentally for a response as I quickly survey the corpse. I then notice something odd about a bone in the back of the Giant’s hand and I pull it out gently. On a random impulse, I slde the bone into my own hand. Suddenly the carcass becomes animate as it mirrors my movements. I then wake up. What did this mean?

In my dream I was among people chosen as swat to eliminate terrorist in a muslim country who planted a nuclear weapon to destroy the world but we where able to track and shot them death,after that,I found my self in a travelling bus going in that bus was my two friends and my sister and some few people I know.we got to a place whr I wanted to ease myself then some guys confronted us trying to use amulets to control but I started praying and was able to conquer them and we left.

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