Someone asked me to buy a 5 bedroom house. The mortgage was £291 pcm but was not in my name. It was soo good to be true. I went for viewing and realised it was massive yet very out moded and needs lots of work. I was ready to transform it into some modern house. October 06, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Someone asked me to buy a 5 bedroom house. The mortgage was £291 pcm. It was soo good to be true. I went for viewing and realised it was massive yet very out moded and needs lots of work. October 06, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in an argument with my ex- girlfriend . We were splitting after a 9 1/2 year relationship. We still lived together and I was going to keep the house. She was upset, angry, and mean to me because I hadn't taken care of the mortgage transfer yet. She was yelling at me to either take care of it or that she was keeping the house and that I would be forced to move out. I was upset because I felt like my integrity was being questioned. I awoke feeling anxious but determined to take care of all of my responsibilities because I had already been working on them. I was very impatient with the progress and wanted everything to be completed as quickly as possible. September 18, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream of dead mother being alive and happy. She said she had two mortgages and doing fine. July 30, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis