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Dreams kitten

Found 342 dreams containing kitten

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I dreamed I was in house with really big rooms and outdoor space. In another room was an individual that lives in another town that I knew. In waking life I discovered he was abusing children and brought it to the attention of authorities. He had a website about it and I passed it along. I havent spoken to him in years. In my dream there was a lot of people around and he was in another room. There were a group of guys in the room and one was having a discussion with him. It seemed like a difference of opinion and the man he was talking to turned into a dog, a border collie, right after the transformation he killed the dog. I was in another room but saw this as did others. People not wanting to draw his attention were making movements to leave. He saw this and started to walk towards everyone like nothing happened. As he walked towards people he was walking away from a puppy and a kitten. As the group, myself included, walked away from him he was walking with us talking and sounding off. We were on our way out and his discussion was weird we got outside and got into our vehicles and left leaving him behind

I was at my grandfather's house in New Jersey. A blizzard must have just blown through because the snow was easily four feet high, white and fresh. I was trying to uncover my car. Kind of frantic. I had two tiny black kittens on me. They looked healthy and were dry, but I really wanted to get them to the vet. I didn't have anything to clean my car off, so I was using my arms and body to do so. I don't remember making any progress. There was another individual there, but all I can say for certain is this person was female. I saw no features or clothes.

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