Dreamt that went to fetch water in keg, carried first keg on my head, says it is heavy, someone offers to help and encourages me to carry the second keg which is not so heavy
my dream i went to fetch water with two kegs on getting to the place
there was no water everywhere later someone asked me to come and fetch
one of the kegs from his tap i tried other places no water still i saw
another set of people who tried to help one of them now fetched one
keg for me
Ceuspvoefstuboenzesfbnt, kegpjedoeh
In my dream, i went to fetch water with two kegs, on getting to the place there was no water everywhere, later someone asked me to come and fetch one of the kegs from his tap, i tried other places no water still, i saw another set of people who tried to help, one of them now fetched one keg for me
In my dream i went to fetch water with two kegs on getting to the place there was no water everywhere later someone asked me to come and fetch one of the kegs from his tap i tried other places no water still i saw another set of people who tried to help one of them now fetched one keg for me
I saw myself fetching water with a big Kegi. I was carrying it from up and down of a Building. Someone I don't no later gave me a dirty Boxs. I don't understand this Dream. Dose it really mean hardship?
I dreamed on as i commanded pokegore
In my dream, my boyfriend asked me to give him water, so I sent to him a white keg filled with water through one little boy
I saw my boy lover in my dream asking me to give him water,so I sent one little boy to give him a white 4litre keg filled with water