Understand My Dreams

Dreams holiday

In my dream from what i remember i was in a house with a girl, we weren't suppose to be in this house at this time and we were climbing up ladders to get to higher levels of the house, we eventually got to what im guessing was the attic or top floor where this thermal camera caught my attention, it was just lying in an open case. i picked it up tested it out and put it in my back and went to leave, i don't exactly remember leaving the house but i had a text message off an old friend i don't really speak to anymore saying something like " in not going to slate you but did you steal this thing from me" so in the dream he knew it was me, the dream changed after that and i was in a house with everyone i see on the regular, it just seemed we were on holiday or something and the guy accusing me of stealing in the dream was there too but made no contact with me as every time i saw him he was ether leaving or walking into a room

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