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Dreams hills

Found 98 dreams containing hills

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There was a man. He was magical and bright. He looked like a King like the ones from old paintings. He had a handsome & stubbled face. He was around somewhere in his late 30's. I think I was enal enamoured by him. I don't remember it vividly, its all in a haze. I He loved me, I And I loved him. It suppose was a only hill station it was like he was the warmth I had. I think he was a king of a magical country that I had no idea of. But, he was married and he had kids. He was forced to make a choice. I was with friends and suddenly a young woman took my hand and began leading me away from my friends. Once we were far enough, she said he'd chosen me. She was his wife, the mother of his children. She walked me to a basement and I saw. my family there, He was there, too, with his children. I then realised that she would still be his wife and I would surely be the second option, always. Yet, I agreed and there was a ceremony after that. All my friends were there, majority of them were boys. Their faces were obscure but I saw a few familiar ones; Amrutha, Ananya, Samarth, Aditya, Hitesh, Rakshit One by one would put a kind of flower in my hair and tie a thread around wrist. Then, they sat apart from the rest the attenders. No matter how much tried to make them smile and talk, they didn't. They were not happy to be there. It was time for them to leave and slowly they disappeared. Next thing I know, I won was running the balcony, hoping to spot them on street. I saw them, all of them walking. away like it was nothing. But Samarth turned back and looked at me. I didn't want them to go away, to leave like that. But I understood that if I married this man, I would lose all my friends forever. I love them, all of them and for the first time the chill of the hills hit me and I wouldn't feel the warmth. Before I could do anything else I woke up

A few nights ago I had a dream me and my boyfriend were going with my friend and her parents somewhere but I can’t remember where. She lived in like a hill desert area which was weird because in real life she doesn’t live by that. But we let my boyfriend drive and he was going super fast around the hills and curves and my friend’s mom was freaking out at me and him and told us to stop the vehicle, but then my dream just to us rolling the car onto some little ditch and my friend’s mom being so pissed. Then it jumps again to being in a mall and we were shopping then I can’t remember anything else. But it’s weird because this friend in the dream, I would never be allowed to hang out with because her mom hates my guts so much for I don’t know what reason.

I'm Nigerian and Igbo, I had a dream that all the Igbos in the State I was staying in right now(an igbo State) and, actually everybody, even non Igbos were being told we could no longer stay in our homes for some reason and to pack no more than 4 bags each of all our stuff and to come to a location and drop our luggage in a line, that the government would have them taken to new residence and use it to assign us to them. I think? Or something. And that we were not allowed to hold on to our luggage, that we *had* to put it down on the line, then go take a seat for the large state wide conference being held and listen to what the governor of the state had to say. The tension lay in the fact that throughout the stress of packing with the family I was living with in the dream (my cousins and aunty), entering a vehicle, and driving to the mandated location, I was terrified that this was actually a genocide. I kept on begging my Aunty and cousins to consider that this might be a genocide, or to flee the state and put our luggage in a relatives house in a neighboring state. They did not listen until the last possible moment, when I thought up and suggested the latter, by then we had already reached and dropped our luggage, and a female army soldier had appeared nearby and was watching us, so we had to leave it be. Another thing is on the drive there we would see things that in the logic of the dream, could have pointed to this being a genocide. One being a tree that we passed that may or may not have been a species that "usually" grew due to the circumstances that could be caused by a pogrom in dream logic, eg excess blood in the soil or the smoke of burnt human remains in the atmosphere or something like that. But it was never spoken out loud only suspected, so whether this was true in the dream isn't certain. secondly on 2 occasions I would see hills in the distance just absolutely *covered* in trash, sometimes with small piles of trash burning. And i would suspect whether the trash was actually the belongings and luggage we were submitting to the federal government. This one out of fear for such an outright confirmation was kind of doubted immediately by me. When sitting down for the conference, closest to the stage where the governor was speaking, a Hausa man in this dream, it was at a point where it was kind of up to the mechanics of my brain whether this dream would turn out to be something else or indeed a genocide. And in the dream I was either subconsciously or consciously but partially aware of this fact, it was why the 3 instances of evidence for genocide were being doubted with hope in the first place. So every word the governor would say had me on the edge of my seat hoping my dream would come in and provide a different explanation, soon a different scenario. One of the bases of my hope being the blatantly lower class Hausa people also standing around in the crowd because they live in the state too so had also been forced to leave their homes. Because in real life such drastic antagonistic action would never be taken with their own tribe in the direct crossfire. Either the Hausas in the government favoured their population, or betrayed them class-wise in a way that could be spun as justifiable. Anyways it was during this speech that I woke up. My heart was pounding so hard I expected it to be painful and causing some other physical reaction (the same way stomach aches are accompanied by nausea and a need to defecate). It got under control though, and I immediately started typing this.

Dreamt that I was on a cruise ship leaving Miami and we had to go through this river that’s zig zags through some hills and went up and down some pretty steep hills. We saw a double decker bus tip over and break in half that was on the road beside the river. It was full of ATCO workers in blue coveralls. I paid for me and Paiges ticket which included the meal plan and it was $595 each for 4 days. I stopped by the bar to pay for the tickets (I guess you don’t have to prepay), and my brother was at the bar drinking vodka and red bull. My nephews were running around playing tag (there like 20yrs old). I was going back to my room and some guy recognized me about I didn’t recognize him. He was a little person so I know I didn’t recognize him but he said we went to school together. Someone passed me a j in the hall and I took a hit, then remembered that I get panic attacks from it. I ran to my room and tried to face time my friends and ask them to ship me my Ativan, but the wifi was not working.

Dreamt that I was on a cruise ship leaving Miami and we had to go through this river that’s zig zags through some hills and went up and down some pretty steep hills. We saw a double decker bus tip over and break in half that was on the road beside the river. It was full of ATCO workers in blue coveralls. I paid for me and Paiges ticket which included the meal plan and it was $595 each for 4 days. I stopped by the bar to pay for the tickets (I guess you don’t have to prepay), and my brother was at the bar drinking vodka and red bull. My nephews were running around playing tag (there like 20yrs old). I was going back to my room and some guy recognized me about I didn’t recognize him. He was a little person so I know I didn’t recognize him but he said we went to school together. Someone passed me a joint in the hall and I took a hit, then remembered that I get panic attacks from it. I ran to my room and tried to face time my friends and ask them to ship me my Ativan, but the wifi was not working.

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